
Working On A Corporate Customer Service Program For All Mgm Resorts Dealers

Decent Essays

working on a corporate customer service program for all MGM-Resorts dealers. He told me that he thought we some fantastic ideas, and the he might be able to incorporate some of them into his corporate program. After several months I was told that Mr. Kirby attended a corporate event were Greg Chase presented his customer service program “Table Games Guest Workshop”. Mr. Kirby took for the meet the accompanying literature the Mr. Chase gave to the attendees. The similarities between Mr. Chase’s presentation and the one I created are quite obvious. A week or so later, Mr. Hartley ask me if I would be willing to present the new corporate program to the New York New York dealers. Mr. Hartley told me that it was Mr. Kirby’s suggestion …show more content…

Mr. Hartley wanted a system in place that could correct any mistakes there were made in the interview process.

Mr. Hartley urged me to create an evaluation system that was specific to the position of dealer. The evaluation process consisted of a weighted survey given to a floor supervisor to complete. The questions on the survey were directed at the three skill sets required of a dealer (technical skills, language skills, and social skills). Survey questions that were based on an important skill were worth more than questions about less desirable skills. Each new hire would be evaluated by three supervisors, and the evaluations would be averaged together to reach a final evaluation score. Three supervisors were required in an effort to mitigate any personal bias on the part of the floor supervisor. I told Mr. Hartley that the process would first need to be tested on current dealers to work out any issues related to the weight and wording of the questions. I then had 32 current dealers evaluated by supervisors (96 total surveys). This process accounted for much of the unpaid overtime I performed from September of 2015 to December of 2016.

Dual Rate Development/Analysis Program

Late In September of 2015, Mr. Hartley had informed me that he had recently spoken with Mr. Kirby about a recent round of interviews he had conducted with the of the dual-rate staff. An opening for a full-time supervisor had opened due to a retirement.

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