
Workplace Discrimination : Tips For Executives, Managers, And Students

Decent Essays

David A. Robinson wrote a short book, Workplace Discrimination: Tips for Executives, Managers, and Students to Increase Productivity and Reduce Litigation, in hopes to help managers and future managers avoid illegal discrimination and avoid discrimination lawsuits. Robinson began with telling about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I have a dream” speech and compared it to the time today to American President Barak Obama. From Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech to the inauguration of American President Barak Obama, many things have changed within the fifty year time period. In this 95 page short book, Robinson gives examples of how managers or employers should react to situations and how to avoid illegal discrimination. Robinson goes into …show more content…

Robinson also answers the question for many managers, “Should a man and a woman be treated differently in the workplace?” Robinson makes this book short for managers or future managers to gather ideas and know how to react to possible illegal discrimination in the workplace. Although this book is short, Robinson does a good job giving ideas to managers or future managers of how to handle workplace situations that may occur. Chapter one of Workplace Discrimination Prevention Manual focuses on the first “R” and the “E” in “REGARDS”. This “R” is for race discrimination. “E” stands for ethnicity discrimination. Race discrimination and ethnicity discrimination are very much alike in Robinson’s context. Race and ethnicity should not be discussed by anyone in the company, including both managers and employees. Race and ethnicity are the color of someone’s skin or the national origin that he or she is from. It is suggested that the employer should be “color-blind” to the race and ethnicity of an employee. Robinson states that “you should not even mention race or skin color in the workplace unless you really have to” (page 11). If managers or employers are completely color-blind, then they will less likely be sued for race discrimination or ethnicity discrimination. Based on Robinson’s text, when a manager is going to hire there are two considerations to the race and ethnicity discrimination: 1)

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