
Workplace Pressure is Unavoidable in Today's Contemporary World

Decent Essays

Workplace pressure

Several authors, Van der Lippe (2207), Mishra (2011), Shivaprasad (2013) write that workplace pressure is an unavoidable factor of living and working in the contemporary world. A reasonable amount of pressure at an acceptable level will have the tendency to keep workers alert, motivated and willing to learn. However, there are times when the pressure may become too much and this may lead to stress.
According to Chrousos (2009) and Shivaprasad (2013) the emotion of stress is often a harmful response to the demands of the activity of nursing and the nurse’s own emotional capability. The environments in which mental health nurses are employed inevitably generate intensity and a diversity of stressors related to the nature of the consumers being treated. Ward (2011) writes that at times the consumer may become unpredictable and aggressive which in itself creates a hostile environment. Laal and Alirmaie (2010), write that stress related disorders do occur among all nurses but particularly among mental health nurses at all levels but particularly those on the front line (Ward, 2011). If this stress is uncompensated it may lead to depersonalization and when combined with other uncompensated emotions may progress to the syndrome known as burnout.
The concept of burnout
Adams, Boscarino & Figley, (2006) and Wilkins (2007) write that providing care can both be highly rewarding and yet highly stressful with the result at times being an adverse outcome

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