
World War 1 Causes

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Every country has had its history. Some histories which consisted mostly of wars. Throughout its history, the United States has been through a lot of major wars. Many of these wars were fought for a cause and a reason whether it was to backup an ally or to fight for the nation itself. They have all had their causes and effects and they had their reasons. World war 1 was amongst one of these wars. Most American people have heard of World War 1 by either the history of the nation or by it's graphic stories about the battle field that still wander around to this day. What most people haven't recalled is the major events that took place during the time of this war. What are the reasons for these questions that are constantly asked regarding World War 1 like: What were the main causes that led to World War 1, Why did us Americans get involved in this great war, and what kind of sacrifices did we make on the homefront? The homefront is where the civilians of the nation stay while the soldiers go to battle. Maybe some people know about the war but they just haven't found out much about it. The answers for these questions have been around for a long time but they haven't been around as much for the people to no longer wonder about this war. America actually took a huge part in the war. They joined for their reasons and did it for their cause. The war was long and it was a fierce battle. It did some major damages to most nations. To some, it is required to know how

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