
World War 2 Anti Semitic Propaganda Essay

Satisfactory Essays

World War 2 Anti-semitic Propaganda From 1930 to 1945 German theater and film held anti-semitic values depicting the Jewish populus as the leading cause of previous wars. Throughout this time movies such as Der ewige Jude and Jude Suß had large influence on the German people of both the war effort and the deportation of the so called undesirables, who led the country to the loss of the first world war. At the start of the war Joseph Goebbels job as propagandist stated releasing early anti-semitic messages. He was trying to sway the public's view of Jewish people and join in on the war effort. To help the mostly Catholic country to see Jewish people as an enemy of the people, he had to make cartoons and movies such as “Der ewige Jude”. This Film had a supposed history of the Jews, saying that they started every single war in the world and are constantly trying to gain more influence in the world(Nazi Propaganda). When this film was released an uproar of jewish people had started to rebel to one of the largest ghetto which was in Warsaw, Poland. The Jewish people who were relocated to the Warsaw ghetto had heard of the film and the depictions that were given to …show more content…

One of the ways they turned the revolt into a “Jewish disgrace”, was the “Tran und Helle Show which was a popular series of 2-3 minute films shown as part of the newsreel before the feature during the Third Reich”(Bytwerk). In these short features Tran was a conniving shriveled man who was constantly trying to deceive to symbolize a jew. Meanwhile Helle was the upstanding obedient man who was used to represent the gracious Aryan citizen. An essay written about Ludwig Schmitz who played Tran, said “that he had to be careful in public after these films started to appear, since some people confused him with his character, with the result that delivered hostile

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