
Worst Way To Be Successful In College

Decent Essays

The Worst Way to be Successful in A College Course
College is a very important phase of your life but who cares about a piece of paper with a degree on it. Students fail classes for a variety of reasons, many of which are largely within the control of the students. Just follow these steps and you will be guaranteed a failure in every college course that is possible.
The very first thing to do is to not open the acceptance letter and not reply to the college in time. This will show that you are not really bothered about college life and have other things in your mind than to reply to some junk mail. If you have already been admitted into college, then ignore the first 2 statements and follow the rest.
Once in college, do not waste your precious …show more content…

Walk out of the class elegantly and make even more noise than you made, when you came in. At this point, it is your choice whether or not you want to head back to your dorm and play the video game you have been wanting to play ever since you got up or find your class which is probably over by now.
The next step to do in class is to take out your phone and play with it. Plug in your headphones and listen to music, so you can block out the noise in the background. Another thing you could do is to chew a gum or even take a power nap and remember to make sure the professor is watching, so he can realize that his class is boring and needs to step up his game or he will lose you in eternal slumber. If this doesn’t work, start talking to the people around you and disturb them. Another thing you can do is to ask your best friend to come to class with you, so you can talk your problems away during lecture. Who needs to even come to class ? It is not imperative to attend every single class. Just skim over the text and see if you really think you need to be there. Send an e-mail to your professor telling him that once again, your sleep has prevailed over you and ask the professor to explain in detail through e-mail what you have missed. The professor will be more than happy to …show more content…

Always borrow them from your neighbors in class. If a deadline of a paper you had to write is approaching; don’t panic, just leave it to the last minute. Never underestimate your writing skills, you can finish writing a 1700 word paper within minutes. If you cannot, it is not your problem but your professor’s. Writing essays are usually very tedious, so instead of wasting your time, just find it online and copy it word to word. You will most likely be charged with plagiarism, just tell the professor that you wrote this research paper and not the website, case closed. Avoid proof reading at all costs. Type stuff up, print, and skip the staple. Instead of writing “you” just write the letter “u” throughout the paper. In fact, treat the entire assignment like an excruciating long boring text.The only real problem is a test or an exam, never be stressed about it, you can cram a whole semester’s worth of readings in one night. Leave it to the night before the exam so you don’t easily forget it. Once you’re sitting for the exam, borrow your pencils, scantron and even answers from your neighbors. This will show that you love to share and do well in group work. Speaking of group works, whenever you are put in a group to do a group project, never do anything for the group. Your partners are there to do everything, just show up at the last minute before the

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