Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays, mostly because I love tradition and cooking for my family. This is not just any old regular meal it takes planning and lots of preparation. I carefully watch the sale ads and shop at several different stores in order to get exactly what I need. The very first step is getting an accurate head count of adults and children then pulling the menu together. If there are toddlers, then I make a dish just for them with less seasoning or I may need to accommodate diabetic or high blood pressure needs. Once I have all my information I plan my menu and tart to bargain shop with the turkey and ham at the top of the list. Once I get the main meats I start on my side dishes and desserts. The farmers market is my spot for veggies and fruits where I buy my turnip greens and …show more content…
I put the finishing touch on my dressing adding the broth from the turkey and mixing it together to make it moist and tasty. My sister-in-law make her breakfast quiche and we put on a pot of coffee to start the day and finish up dinner to be served by game time our favorite team Dallas Cowboys always plays on Thanksgiving Day. The table is set and our family says a prayer and everyone shares one thing they are grateful for before we eat. The laughter begins as we start pile our plates with a taste of this and that just to sample. Everyone is delighted with the meal and too full for dessert so we all find a comfy spot some nap others watch the game. There is no need to put the food away because you always go back to eat more. Once the game is off we always head to the table to play spades and have some margaritas mixed by my mom and she makes one mean pitcher. Everyone is making jokes as we bid our hands and then the old stories start rolling and we laugh even harder. I love entertaining and being with family seeing everyone comfortable that’s what makes the holiday
Far too often in our selfish-minded culture, we forget to be thankful for the many blessings we have. There is a roof over my head, clothes on my back, food on the table, and I've never gone hungry. I'm thankful that I am homeschooled; I do not have to deal with bullies at school and I am able to have a more flexible schedule so that I have an increased amount of free time to spend with family. I am also thankful for my little sister and my parents who care for me and work hard to provide me with everything I need and want. In addition, I feel grateful for my artistic and musical talent. However, most of all, I am deeply grateful for my entire family, the warmth, love, and companionship they bring, and my relationship with
Every year for me, we head to my aunt's house on my mom's side at 2 o’clock where all the food is homemade. Soon after that we go to my grandma on my dad's side were the food is a little bit worse. Other people often have Thanksgiving held at their house. The whole family comes to their house for Thanksgiving. I thought everyone had two Thanksgiving like me!
Imagine the moist, golden brown steaming turkey being set right in front of someone on the dining table; they lick their lips as if they can taste it. Many people have turkey on some holidays such as Thanksgiving. To some, it is like a feast. Thanksgiving is a popular holiday, from people begin to realize the many things they are thankful for, to the amazing food, and people are able to spend quality time with their family.
This week, families across our state are unboxing their Thanksgiving décor, choosing table cloths, and deciding who is going to be responsible for what dish next Thursday. It’s that time of the year when we come together, forget our family drama for at least a week and get in the holiday spirit. Unfortunately, this holiday season comes with a different taste to many. Hundreds of Iowan families and I will share our Thanksgiving meal with uncertainty, anxiety and fear.
Some families do nothing and others throw a huge feast with family and friends. My family always throws a Thanksgiving gathering of family and close
This year Thanksgiving is on November 23,2017. Every year my family Thanksgiving is the best, to me at least. So we always have Thanksgiving at my Grandmas and Grandpas, but not this year we are having it at my house. Which I mean could be good and bad. Good is it is at my house so it’s cool and bad, the house has to be completely spotless or my mom will freak out. Normally what we do every year is we get my family together and have dinner, mess around, and watch football. This year my dad's brother is coming with his three daughters and his wife and my grandpa and grandma. I really can’t wait to see them all because I don't really see them that much as I would like to. When we have a family dinner like this we always have a lot of food for everyone.
This year Thanksgiving was an awesome experience as this year my family hosted the Thanksgiving Dinner for the first time after we moved into our own place. I helped my mother to cook the turkey and make other arrangements for
Thanksgiving is right around the corner and people all over America are preparing for meals that will feed the entire family. Trying to pick out the right food and the best desserts can be hectic. Planning for the Thanksgiving dinner would be much easier if we had the perfect recipes everyone would enjoy.
Eventually the day arrives when you are selected to prepare the Thanksgiving dinner. Don't panic. With a few hours of planning, your dinner can be a complete success. The key to pulling off a successful
I have a good time on Thanksgiving. David and I went to see Anastasia and Andrew. Jason has told them that we were their grandparents. They did not comfort calling grandmama since I was not old enough to be their grandmama so I told them they can call me Sara. We got Anastasia, Andrew, and Elizabeth early Christmas gifts because Anastasia and Andrew going to spend Christmas with James and Amy. I am glad Amy get to see her children.
The crisp, cool, and cinnamon air filled the morning of Thanksgiving in 1987. Although I was only two years and eleven months old, I remember the scratchy, fuzzy, purple- footed pajamas that I was wearing that morning. After I woke up, I "helped" my mom make her famous orange- cranberry relish, got dressed in my cream sweater dotted with cherries and my navy pleated skirt, topped off with my favorite cream fuzz- warn tights, and before I knew it we were out the door to my grandmother's house. After an early dinner with my grandparents, mom, and dad, my grandfather and dad left to catch the Dallas Cowboys Thanksgiving Day football game, leaving the rest of us to find entertainment of our own.
What does your family do on thanksgiving? My family compared to other family’s might do something the same or something different It all depends on the family. My family does different things, goes different places, and eats certain food on Thanksgiving. Everyone’s family does something different on thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving Day all started out, as we all know, when the Pilgrims had their feast with the Indians. Why did the Pilgrims have this feast? In the winter the first year the Pilgrims were in America, they lost half of their colony and had fallen on hard times. Then they found the neighboring Indians who showed them how to plant, fish, and hunt. The next August, harvest time, they had collected a surplus of food that would supply their community through the winter. They decided to have a celebration with the Indians and thank them for all of their help. This meal the Pilgrims and Indians had together is commonly known as the first Thanksgiving. However, there are some things about the history of Thanksgiving Day that I did not know. For example, I did not know that the Pilgrims and the
One of my families’ favorite thanksgiving deserts is homemade upside down apple pie. From the smell throughout the house to the pie with ice cream on top has become a family enjoyment we have all come to live and enjoy every thanksgiving. Often times, my sisters and I would enjoy conversation and memories while making the pies while the men in the family were sitting together talking about and watching the Dallas Cowboys game. The pies have always served a way of bring all of the girls together to share laughter and stories each year and enjoy a fantastic desert in the process.
I have discovered that people don’t share the same Thanksgiving traditions as me. Chicken, Duck, Turkey, and Turdunkin are all enjoyed as main course meals! Vegetables, mashed potatoes, rolls, cookies, ice cream, lemon pie, and blueberry pie bars are also enjoyed on Thanksgiving. Cookies, assorted pies, and blueberry pie bars are commonly enjoyed, and they actually sound pretty tasty! The favorite part of some people’s Thanksgiving feast would be the pie and rolls. Meals aren’t always eaten with family at the table. Some families sit on the couch, while they watch tv, or they eat at a fancy restaurant. Everyone has their own customs when it comes to the holidays.