
Write A Narrative Essay About Thanksgiving

Decent Essays

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays, mostly because I love tradition and cooking for my family. This is not just any old regular meal it takes planning and lots of preparation. I carefully watch the sale ads and shop at several different stores in order to get exactly what I need. The very first step is getting an accurate head count of adults and children then pulling the menu together. If there are toddlers, then I make a dish just for them with less seasoning or I may need to accommodate diabetic or high blood pressure needs. Once I have all my information I plan my menu and tart to bargain shop with the turkey and ham at the top of the list. Once I get the main meats I start on my side dishes and desserts. The farmers market is my spot for veggies and fruits where I buy my turnip greens and …show more content…

I put the finishing touch on my dressing adding the broth from the turkey and mixing it together to make it moist and tasty. My sister-in-law make her breakfast quiche and we put on a pot of coffee to start the day and finish up dinner to be served by game time our favorite team Dallas Cowboys always plays on Thanksgiving Day. The table is set and our family says a prayer and everyone shares one thing they are grateful for before we eat. The laughter begins as we start pile our plates with a taste of this and that just to sample. Everyone is delighted with the meal and too full for dessert so we all find a comfy spot some nap others watch the game. There is no need to put the food away because you always go back to eat more. Once the game is off we always head to the table to play spades and have some margaritas mixed by my mom and she makes one mean pitcher. Everyone is making jokes as we bid our hands and then the old stories start rolling and we laugh even harder. I love entertaining and being with family seeing everyone comfortable that’s what makes the holiday

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