
Write An Essay About Jessica's Life

Decent Essays

Jessica’s life is unraveling. In the last six months, she loses her job at a movie studio, splits with her film producer fiancé, and still struggles over the death of her alcoholic brother from a senseless bicycle accident Desperate for change, she emails her old friend, Malcolm. Thrilled to hear from her, he invites her to visit him in Berkeley. Without a job to keep her in L.A. (or romance), she accepts. Upon her arrival, he reveals that he’s separated from his wife. What's more, he’s taken a sabbatical from teaching and written an inspirational sci-fi novel. She’s captivated and after an unsettling dinner at his neighbor’s house, long withheld romantic feelings emerge. They’re short-lived once Malcolm expresses ambivalence the next morning. Unwilling to let their relationship go she invites him to join her in L.A. He does, and their passion rekindles. Till he lands a literary agent and their relationship gets sidetracked again. Needing to compensate, …show more content…

The bike route along the Pacific coastline is beautiful, but bicycling on unfamiliar terrain scares her and is grueling. She vows never to do anything this reckless again. Half-way to her destination a second wind kicks in, but it doesn’t last. Her stamina caves and she nearly faints and fears she may die like her brother riding a bicycle. But the support and courage she needs shows up just in time. She rides to the finish line in intact. Alone and back in L.A., she wants to see Thom. After reading the last chapter of Malcolm’s book where he urges his readers, “to be brave and dive into uncharted water with the absolute belief that the Universe has your back,” she grabs her car keys, and drives to his house. Thom invites her in, and they talk about her bike trip. When the conversation lags, she blurts out that she loves him and doesn’t want to break up again. He grins, and lingering doubts fall away. Then he kisses her... and kisses her again and

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