
Write An Essay On A Hero's Journey

Decent Essays

They hadn’t traveled many miles when Miles saw the copse of trees ahead. Easing back to let Geer catch up to him, they slowed their pace as they approached the area, Miles finally ordering the man to pull over and hold tight while he checked it out.

Tying his horse to a nearby tree, Miles silently made his way down the slight ridge to the hollow below. He bent over at the waist as the smell of earth and blood hung heavy in the darkened hollow, afraid to go closer, not wanting to know one way or the other.

“Bass,” he croaked raising his head waiting for a reply. “Charlie?”

He saw a flutter of movement from Charlie, nearly every inch he could see of her bloodied, as she reached up to touch Bass’ jaw.

Bass’ eyes flew open and a gun was suddenly …show more content…

It’s me. It’s Miles.”


“Yeah, buddy. Came to save you from your stupid.”

Closing his eyes, Bass’ head tilted down till his lips were touching Charlie’s forehead. “Miles, she’s bad, real bad. We need to get her home.”

Miles eyes fluttered back and forth between the two of them before he gave a sharp nod. Hurriedly climbing to the road he called Greer over with the wagon before tying his horse to the end of it.

“I found them! Get that wagon bed ready. They’re cold and injured.”

Greer didn’t reply. just climbed in the back and began to spread out a few blankets to cushion the bed of the wagon. When Miles appeared carrying Charlie, he helped him place her on the bedding.

“It’s her hand and her thigh. When I bring Bass up, put them under the same blankets. It’s all about body heat until we get them home.”

Miles disappeared again, before half carrying Bass up the hill towards him. Geer bundled them together under the blankets as Miles hopped in the driver’s seat hell bent for home.

With a tired nod at Greer, Bass wrapped a hand around Charlie’s neck. It was the last thing he remembered for a while. XXXXXXXX

When he came to Bass blinked heavily trying to make out the silhouette in the darkening

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