
Write An Essay On The Power Of Cops

Satisfactory Essays

Do you think the cops have a lot more power than you and all the other people out there well if you do, you are wrong all the power they have is the power to arrest you and take you to jail. One day there was a 12 year old kid out waving a gun out at that park, but the person who called to say it looks like a fake gun, but the person who told the officer did not say it was a fake gun they said it's a real gun and when the officer pulled up and open his door after 2 seconds shot the 12 year old kid that they said it was a male 26 year old but when it was a 12 year old kid the parents were not happy with that officer and wanted to take him to court but never happen. My three reasons are 1 is why do cops that are not trained well why are they in the mission or anything they are not ok and they need more training. Reason 2 is because they kill, why to many people and they say they're trying to protect us when they are the problem after all. Reason 3 go ask any family that a cop killed their kid ask them if they got justice they will say no because 75% of cops get off easy did you know that. …show more content…

One day I was watching the news and there was a male black choke down to the ground and then died there at the scene of the crime, but the man was saying stop I can't breath but the cops just keep going and did not stop. Before I start my reason I want to know do you think cops abuse their power. My reasons 1 the guy was saying he could not breath that would mean stop you will choke him to death and that what that cop did. Reason two there was a cop who did not give the guy enough time to get to the ground. Reason 3 there were people there who saw the whole thing and they were shocked that the cop did not stop when the guy said that he could not

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