
Writing 120 Reflection

Decent Essays

Over the course of this 2018 spring semester the Writing 120 course I have been taking has afforded me a variety of affirmations and opportunities to improve and enhance my writing ability. Although I already had a strong working knowledge of rhetoric and revisions when writing this course has introduced several new facets and vocabulary words within rhetoric that I had not learned or mastered before. Some of the rhetorical skills I had not learned until now include the use of exigence and situated and invented ethos. Despite these terms I had not learned until this course, I understood purpose and audience and I was already writing in an academic English style when pertaining to the tone and format of my writing. Moreover, this allowed for …show more content…

In the past I had merely used summaries to help myself recall ideas and events in literature assigned for classes. I had also never thought that there could be types of summaries. I enjoyed writing in different styles when summarizing the TED Talk Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality, which was written as an explanatory summary which, according to the Blugold Guide, is a summary where “you repeatedly refer to the author of the work and indicate how the piece was organized through your choice of verbs and transition words” (Blugold Guide 55). Here is an example of my work: “In his 2017 TED talk, your brain hallucinates your conscious reality, Anil Seth opens his speech by examining what consciousness truly is. Seth starts by explaining the impact anesthetic has on your mind before and after surgery” (Rohloff 1). This clearly shows my ability to summarize using transitions and proper verbiage. This contrasts with my informative summary from Beware of the Leopard which was used to “capture in your own words the important ideas found in the source text” as shown here: “While the appeal of a website is vital to attracting users it often forces the benefit of user-friendliness to an inferior position. Many websites focus so much on glamor that the website fails to enhance the user’s experience rather than attract them to delve further” (Rohloff 1). These summarizing skills helped me move forward to write more complex pieces this

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