
Writing Project II : In Modern Society

Good Essays

W. Garrett Dubocq
Kristian Einstman
ENG 101
23 October 2015
Writing Project II: Transgenders in Modern Society What is a sex? What is gender? According to Merriam-Webster the word sex means, “either of the two major forms of individuals that occur in many species and that are distinguished respectively as female or male especially on the basis of their reproductive organs and structures” and gender means, “an inflection form showing membership in such a subclass”. Basically, an individual’s sex is determined at birth, but is interchangeable depending on the gender those individuals desire.

The problem that comes with classifying one’ “sex” is that in current time’s operations and some medical conditions separate individuals from either group of male and/or female due to a mixture of organs. Now here comes into play…the word transgender, which was developed for such mixtures and according to Merriam-Webster it means, “Of, relating to, or being a person who identifies with or expresses a gender identity that differs from the one which corresponds to the person’s sex at birth”. The majority of the populous enjoys being in their own personal bubble and anything abnormal attempting to alter the normal characteristics and beliefs of that bubble are cast out into the oblivion. Basically, many new ideals being formed in modern society affect many beliefs in cultures and the overall thought process of many persons. In this case, gender roles that have existed for thousands

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