
Wwi And Wwi : The First World War

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Question 1 WWI vs WWII WWI is also known as the First World War, The Great War, The European War, and The War of the Nations. It was fought primarily in Europe from the year 1914 to the year 1918 and lasted 4 years. There were two warring groups, the Allied Powers composed of France, Britain, Russia, Japan, Italy, and in the later years, the U.S.; and the Central Powers composed of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkey. It was triggered by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria by Serbian nationalists. The allies of Austria-Hungary then invaded their enemies and it became one of the two largest wars of the world. It ended with the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 wherein Germany took responsibility for the war. It resulted in the separation of Austria-Hungary into several states, and the independence of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, and Poland from Russia. It also led to the formation of the League of Nations. WWII, on the other hand, was also known as The Second World War and was fought between the years 1939 and 1945. It lasted for six years which resulted in a very high number of casualties for all the nations involved in both civilian and military personnel. The two warring groups were: The Axis powers composed of Germany, Italy, and Japan; and The Allies composed of the U.S., Britain, France, the Soviet Union, and China. It was the most atrocious war with the Nazi’s genocide against the Jewish people. The outcome of WWI and the Versailles

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