
Yeo Hiap Seg Case Study

Decent Essays

2. Identify the top leader of the company and describe the 3 roles he/she display.
Top Leader

Figure 1: The top leaders of Yeo Hiap Seng (Malaysia) Berhad
Source: Corporate - Board of Directors & Management. (2017). Retrieved from Yeo's:
The board of Yeo Hiap Seng (Malaysia) Berhad consists of 9 members, including 2 Executive Directors and 7 Non-Executive Directors, with 1/3 of Independent Non-Executive Directors. They ensure the integrity of the financial statement and the effectiveness of the financial controls, and is responsible for risk management systems. They are also responsible to ensure that all financial statements are accordance with Companies Act, 1965 and Malaysian Accounting Standards (MASB).

In Yeo Hiap Seng (Malaysia) Berhad, there is a clear division of responsibilities between the Chairman and Group Chief Executive Officer (CEO). As the …show more content…

Decision making is the process of identifying opportunities from available alternatives such as the establishment of an appropriate control of risk management framework, as well as reviewing, monitoring, and ensuring its adequacy and integrity. In many cases, financial decisions such as the purchase of equipment and other assets must be made or approved by top management. Those decisions, along with the strategy and long-term objectives in all matters of the operations, affect the long-term future and overall success of the company. If the employees don't have enough resources and equipment to complete their jobs, the output will decrease and the company's achievement suffers (Frost, n.d.). Therefore, it’s the CEO’s role to decide what achievements the organization wants to reach and how the company will grow going

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