
You Spend Your Best Friends 21st Birthday

Decent Essays

Did you spend your best friends 21st birthday the way that you though you would spend it? For some reason or another I thought that on her 21st birthday we would go out to a club and drink until we pass out; however, my best friend is not into any of that. With that in mind, I decided to let her call the shots that day. Whatever she wanted to do that day it would, if it was within reason, would be done. The morning of her birthday, and by morning I mean 12 a.m., I was at her house to wish her a happy birthday. After sitting around in her room for a while before I told her my plan for her birthday. She asked me if I was also going to pay for everything. I told her that was the plan and that I would do all the driving. “Do not pick boring things to do; I do not want to have called off work for nothing,” I told her before we went to sleep. I had no idea what she had in store for me the next day. I woke up early so that I could call my boss and tell him I had a case of raging diarrhea. After I got off of the phone, I woke her up and asked her if she wanted to get an early start. “No.” She groaned pulling the blanket back over her head. I snatched it off and told her to get up. Despite my countless efforts to remove her from bed, she was not going to get up. Hence, I was left tired, sore, and alone for the next couple hours. After a while, we had started to get ready to go. It always takes her longer then me to get ready. Eventually, we made it upstairs to eat breakfast before

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