
Youth Depression : Cause, Causes, Depression, And Depression

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What is youth depression? Youth depression is a serious mental disorder that causes a determined feeling of sadness and loss of fascination in activities. It affects how the teenager thinks, feels and behaves, and it can cause emotional, functional and physical problems. There are numerous signs and symptoms of youth depression. There are multiple different ways someone can prevent teen depression/suicide. There are different ways the child or teen will cope with the pain.
The signs and symptoms of youth depression include: Sadness, anxiety, lack of energy and motivation, easily irritated, withdrawal from family and friends, feelings of fear, feelings of extreme guilt or shame, inability to concentrate, poor memory, worsening grades, skipping school or classes, self-critical remarks, feelings that things will never get better, comments about death or dying, and threatening suicide even in joking manner. If a child is suffering from depression the parent/ guardian needs to watch their behavior. If the teen expresses emotions like they’re not happy when doing pleasurable things, emotionally drained, general sadness, hopelessness, hollowness, and uselessness. If they are complaining about physical changes similar to upset stomach, change in appetite or body weight, sleeplessness, headaches, and joint or back pain. If they are experiencing any behavioral issues such as easily irritated, uncooperative, disagreeable, avoiding social interaction, avoiding or skipping school,

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