“The magician Zizou” Zinedine zidane a legend of soccer, he change the view of soccer but that wasn't the only thing he did , he also change the entire nation of france with the motion of his feet, During the 1990s France was divided into different racial groups, later on in 1998 the world cup arrive and all the nation got together just to see how zidane led France to the final match at that point everybody realized how strong was the influence of soccer, many people realized that soccer was not a simple game. Zidanes trajectory allow many people to be more open minded with the culture of france because every time that france play, the country being to forget about all their differences just to support each other in order to motivate the …show more content…
Clearly before zidane got into the soccer field France had to wait more than a decade,later on see them play during the 1998 World cup what happened was that they won, even he scorer two times in the final match against Brazil,obviously the french team could win without zidane there to guide France.
1986 they finished third and the decade belonged to Italy and Argentina.Another decade of unfulfilled dreams for “Les Bleus” (“Alessandro Meolo”).France steal losing even when they almost made it to the final, they were missing somebody that can led them to the victory, at that time France was one of the most stronger team of the world and also they had most of the best players of the world but that wasn't enough because their chemistry was too bad that they weren't able to win.
Zinedine Zidane, byname Zizou, french player who led his country to victories, Zizous career was tremendously success to the point where he became a legend.
During the soccer world cup Zidane,normally a playmaker,became scorer in the final match.He connected in the 27th and 46th minutes, both in picturesque headers (“Zidane”).Zinedine Zidane a player like anyone else who knew how to guide an entire nation to a victory that no one would
Wayne Gretzky wasn’t just one of the best hockey players of all time, he was also a hero to many around the world. He inspired many people by giving them the opportunity to play and learn about hockey and by being one of the best hockey players in the world, as well as a good role model. Gretzky even said the commonly known phrase “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” (Gretzky). Also, thousands of children around the world look up to him as their hero. He wasn’t as fast as some players but his skills are what made him better than others. As Wayne developed these skills, he became widely known as the greatest hockey player in the world. As he played in the NHL he played for 3 different teams.
In 1940, was a big time to quite a bit of French people if you talking about pride. Alot of the citizens and more people believed they let the people down. Then they decided to approve Vichy Government by the creation of Nazi. Mainly in the southern part of the country not as must as the northern half, is where there was more proof that politicians had let down France. The French Resistance helped the Allies alot with their intelligence, way to plan things out and ability to escape("History of the French Resistance - the Alliance Reseau, Maquis, FTP and
First off when the Prussians and Russians tried to invade France, the French held their ground and beat them in war that took many resources but they succeeded (Document B). When the French won the war and took over the Netherlands, they got more followers and took even more land because as a rule more followers meant that they could march into countries because they were a very large nation. When the French executed the government leaders on a guillotine this made them stronger as a nation too (Document F). As a rule when they executed the leaders they inserted fear into everyone and fear is a powerful tool that got people not to betray or turn against them. Lastly when the French finally killed their radical leader Robespierre they became stronger (Document C). When they killed him they finally became independent and stronger because Robespierre didn’t kill everyone anymore and more people ot to follow ideals of freedom without Robespierre telling them what to
During 1780s to 1790s France was in total chaos. France was ruled by the Bourbon family King Louis XVI from 1754 to 1793, it was an absolute monarch and they had absolute power and did not share it with a legislature. The situation was already bad before Louis XVI began his reign, but situation got worse. In the end, there was a revolution in France and a vast amount changes to the society and the government of France. Louis XVI himself was executed and killed; while France was established as a democratic country. There were different reasons for Louis's downfall: social, economic, political conditions. Also reasons such as the Age of Enlightenment when some philosophers had new ideas of how the country should be ruled, the inequalities
Pele is one of the greatest soccer players (and one of the first great soccer players,) was one of the most important people in popularizing soccer in the United States, and is an inspirational role-model, especially for young children. Any fans of soccer will recognize Pele’s name, many will recognize him as a hero of soccer, but some may not know he was one of the
France during the seventeenth century saw radical changes in attitude as they shifted from idealistic perspectives to more realistic ones.
Cantona was a talent with an abundance of self-confidence, but had been a destructive force inside the dressing rooms of his previous clubs in France. He had been known as much for punch-ups with team-mates at Auxerre and Montpellier as his ability with a ball at his feet” (Fenn). Cantona is a great footballer as it is called in Europe but his mentality is his own kryptonite and it has led him to try and find different jobs in the world of soccer.
The lifestyle in France, just like in all other European countries, has changed dramatically since the early 1700’s. People went from farmers to factory owners to all of the professions of today’s society. The main reason for the great changes in lifestyle that occurred in France was the Industrial Revolution, which urbanized most of France. But the Industrial Revolution was not the only thing that changed France. The monarchy fell the church changed, and the role people had in their jobs and family life change drastically.
“Celebrate what you have accomplished but raise the bar a little higher each time you succeed” states Mia Hamm; the former highest leading, female goal scorer in world. It is unknown who stated, “there is a first time for everything” although it is blatantly obvious, that it is true.There is a first time a person walks, runs, smiles, frowns, fall’s in love, or get’s their heart broken. For Mia Hamm, soccer was nothing new to her when she scored her first goal for the Unites States Women’s National Team, but it was her first professional goal. Now, don’t get confused, I am not in anyway comparing my soccer abilities to Mia Hamm, we just have a common interest, scoring goals and of course, soccer. Scoring my first goal became an experience I will never forget. The experience and memories that are created from accomplishing something new and challenging, will never be for gotten.For you to understand how exciting the event was, you have to know the background information about my soccer experiences. My freshman year of High School, I went in strongly believing I was going to run track; needless to say, I never saw the track again. I was put into a gym class with the soccer coach and he began pestering me to try out for the soccer team. As season got closer, the never ending begging grew stronger. I decided to give soccer a fair chance. After three vigorous, never-ending days of tryouts, to a rookie, I made the team. The news came as a surprise to me. I hardly watched soccer,
The French revolution started in 1789 – 1799. It had many faults with it as revolution from romanticize revolutions of the past, oligarchy controlled the country for their benefit and not care for others, and the revolutions ignored the rights of minorities living in the countries . El salvador revolution 1980 – 1992 failed with similar reasons. These actions caused the extension of suffering of revolution for the people originally it was started to protected. These actions started revolutions that just repeated itself with leaders that would use their power to torment the massive of their country's to keep their power at whatever the cost. Even though, the revolutions were started to fix their country issues by the end, it added
“Every successful individual knows that his or her achievement depends on a community of persons working together” (Ryan). These words said by Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, reflects the words my parents would always say to me when I was little. I would donate old clothes that did not fit, or toys I did not play with anymore. Every summer I would volunteer at my town’s public library, as well as at my church. However, as I got older, doing the simple tasks at the library felt tedious and uninteresting so I stopped volunteering for a while. There were times when I had spare time that could have and should have been put to use volunteering, but I did not have the motivation. However, after being inducted into my High School’s National Honors Society, I needed volunteer hours in order to remain in it. This was the motivation I needed to begin volunteering again.
Soccer had taught me many things in life. It showed me the significance of family in all forms, to be responsible and appreciative of my peers and elders. I will never forget that day, no matter how old I am, because I had learned an essential lesson, to never give
Napoleon Bonaparte is one of history’s most known figures. Napoleon Bonaparte was a hero to all people of France. Napoleon did a lot to help the people of France out with keeping the country safe. He also agreed with the French Revolution. Before Napoleon it was chaotic, and terrible.
As a young boy growing up, I like many sports, but soccer was my all-time favorite. I loved soccer because I was also good at playing the sport as well as analyzing games. I never had a problem staying glued to my couch watching a soccer game all day. I always relished the prospect of waking up to a soccer game on a Saturday morning. It was such a delight. Being an avid soccer lover, it is no surprise that I had dreams of playing professionally. I wanted to be like Zinedine Zidane because he was my favorite soccer player at the time.
The French Revolution is considered as turning point in European golden times. It demolished the French empire and established a state. At the same time, it divided France. From the beginning of the movement, Napoleon Bonaparte appeared to lead the country. He carried local tranquillity to population of French. The war created the trouble in both European and French trade activities. As a result, the economic situation of the emerged United States started changing dramatically (Adams 713).