
Zika Epidemic In Brazil

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Brazil is a country known for their food, cultural festivals, and soccer. Located in South America, Brazil’s climate is mostly tropical, except for the temperate south. Brazil is broken into twenty-six states and one federal district. Brazil is at the center of everything; bordered by Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, French Guiana, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela. Brazil is one of the twenty top contributors of uniformed personal in United Nations (UN) operations (UN 2010) and President Dilma Rousseff considers Brazil “a land of welcome” in terms of allowing refuges into the country (Paulo 2015). Being a peaceful nation, Brazil considered free of weapons of mass destruction and only spends 1.47% gross domestic product …show more content…

Aedes species carry the virus. Many people think that Zika is a brand new virus, however, that is untrue. Zika was first recognized in Uganda in 1947 in monkeys; it was identified in humans in 1952 in Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania (WHO 2016). Usual symptoms include fever, rash, joint pain, and conjunctivitis and last for a few days to a few weeks. Because of the mild symptoms people think they just have a common cold and many cases of Zika go unreported. Even pregnant women may be unaware they have the virus and do not check to see if their baby has developed Microcephaly. Microcephaly causes babies to be born with heads much smaller than the average child’s, which leads to developmental delays, disabilities, difficulty swallowing and walking, hearing loss, and vision problems. Babies born with severe Microcephaly are at risk of mortality. Brazil has banned the use of pesticides to control the Zika outbreak because there was concern that the pesticides were causing Microcephaly because previous Zika outbreaks did not link with Microcephaly; however, Zika mutates frequently and it has been confirmed that Zika is the link and not pesticides (Mercer 2016). Researches studied Zika infected pregnant mice and they found that the mice born had smaller than average heads; they also had other abnormalities such as, eye problems and cell death. One of the researchers, Muotri, …show more content…

It takes eight to twelve days from when the mosquito is infected for the virus to reach the salivary glands and is able to be transmitted to humans through feeding on their blood. Most female Aedes aegypti mosquitos have adapted to living in our urban environments and spend their lifetimes in or around houses (WHO). Living indoors increases mosquito life expectance because they are not exposed to climate variations and predators. The Zika Virus is expected to infect over four million people by the end of this year (New York Times 2016). Dr. Chan from the World Health Organization (WHO) tweeted “If [Zika] is confirmed beyond Latin America and the Caribbean, the world will face a severe public health crisis.” If Zika is not controlled soon millions of people could be infected and thousands of babies could be born with microcephaly. If children were born in poverty stricken Brazil with microcephaly they would have a high chance of mortality. If they did survive past a few months, they would be a great burden to the family. They would need around the clock attention and care and would need more medical attention than a normal child. If the family wanted to and could afford to send the child to school, the child would have special needs and the family may not be able to find a school that offers that type of assistance. The child

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