
Zodiac Killer Case

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The Zodiac Killer was a murderer accused of killing at least five people in the San Francisco Bay Area of California in the late 1960s. The chronological following of the Zodiac Killer begins with the listing of murders in 1968 and 1969, followed by claims made by the Zodiac leading police to believe that the murders were committed by one person, and ending with evidence and suspects. Based on the facts of the killings, he will not be identified unless some major report comes out and reveals the identity with proof. The Zodiac started his killings on the night of December 20,1968, shooting a seventeen year old male (David Faraday) and his sixteen year old girlfriend (Betty Lou Jensen) in their car at a remote location in Vallejo, California. …show more content…

On August 1, 1969, the San Francisco Examiner, San Francisco Chronicle and Vallejo Times-Herald each received an identical handwritten letter in an envelope without a return address. Beginning “Dear Editor: I am the killer of the 2 teenagers last Christmas at Lake Herman . . .” the letters contained details from the murders that only the killer could have known. The killer went on to threaten further attacks if the letters weren’t printed on the front page of the papers. Each closed with a symbol consisting of a circle with a cross through it and was accompanied by one part of a three-part cipher that he claimed contained his identity. ( para.4) He also is reported to have called the police to report the second murder and to confess to killing that couple and the couple whom were murdered the December of the year before. The Zodiac sent multiple letters to the newspapers with claims of the murders and a code of how to find him. The only code that was ever cracked was deciphered by high school teacher Donald Harden and his wife Bettye and read, “I like killing people because it is so much fun.” ( para.5) The Zodiac’s first letters stated that if the letters were not published on the front page of the paper, he would attack a schoolbus full of children and kill them all. In his writing that claimed responsibility for the murder of taxi driver Paul Stine, the Zodiac Killer included a piece of the victim's shirt covered in his blood, changing the crime from robbery to murder and matching the murderer to the Zodiac. Along with the letters sent to the newspapers, he also included a set of codes with only one being solved as previously mentioned. However, thinking about the message the Zodiac sent in the cracked code, it really shows how mentally unstable this man was, just being able to end human life with no cares about the victims

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