
Zoom Quotes

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“I was a man broken down - who gained these extraordinary powers to become free. You. You are the opposite. You were a free man who was given extraordinary powers – and now you must be broken down.” said Zoom, to the Flash. This quote expresses and emphasizes the importance of circumstances to shaping an individual's character, as it shows that although the hero Flash- Barry Allen and Zoom (Hunter Zolomon) faced similar experience, one individual became a hero - a symbol of hope and justice while the other became a notorious killer. The difference between Zoom and The Flash’s circumstances was that The Flash didn’t witness the murder of his mother and his father wasn’t the cause of the murder. Although his father was falsely accused and did get sentenced to life imprisonment, Barry had a place to live with a caring father figure and sister who was …show more content…

Within Zooms life, he has only experienced negative experiences and as a consequence, his mind and perception were influenced to adjust to his experiences and so his perception of right is the opposite of individuals and protagonists. He thinks that creating an absence of hope, creating negative circumstances empowers individuals to become stronger but he doesn't understand that the idea of love, friendship, and hope inspires individuals to become stronger and empowers them which is an effect due to the instability of good and bad experiences in his life. Under positive circumstances, Hunter (Zoom) could have become a heroic figure such as Barry, his speed and abilities were greater or equal to Barry’s and he was high intelligent possessing advanced scientific knowledge which he utilized to make himself stronger and

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