I love zoos, I could spend hours in the zoo because of all the cute animals in there, but do you really think that zoos are suitable for our animals? Are we hurting them or making them secure? It’s really tough to decide because we really don’t know what’s right or wrong for our animals. In my opinion, it could go either way. I am looking at both sides of arguments, debates and articles to really know if zoos are right or wrong. People argue that Zoos aren’t safe or can’t chose what is better for animals. There have been many points of views that zoos aren’t good because it can affect animals in all sorts of ways, like suffering mentally and physically by being in captivity. Truth is, animals are more safe in zoos than they are in the wild. Most animals are proven to live longer in captivity than in the wild because zoos have everything an animal needs to be able to stay healthy have all the safety they need, compared to the wild where they can catch diseases and be killed. In the article ‘’The Scientist’’ researchers from Université de Lyon in France concluded that 80 percent of these mammals live longer in captivity than in the wild. I think this is a pretty big percent for animals living in captivity than to living in the wild, and this is good because it means that our animals are around for longer and are safe. Animals living in the wild are more likely to be having a shorter life. As well as zoos helping animals live longer, zoos are helping animals that are
"Zoos have improved a lot in the last 4,000 years. These days, most zoos create friendlier environments for animals. ... Now, however, they get their animals through captive breeding programs and other zoos." This is an understandable concern, however, but this is not the case. Animals are not meant to be kept in captivity for human entertainment, animals are meant to be wild, the artificial surroundings in zoos an cause Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Animals kept in zoos has always been a controversial decision. Zoos have been around for 4,000 years. Many people argue about the impact a zoo has on an animal and the world. According to the article, ”Zoos: The Historical Debate”, “Some people argue that zoos play an important role in conservation of endangered animals, others say that zoos do more harm than good.” I believe that zoos play an important role in conservation. They also educate us about animals. Finally, zoos entertain us in many ways. In my opinion, zoos impact the world in a good way.
Imagine being a zoo animal. Wouldn’t the animal want to be free, and not in captivity? There should not be zoos. From outside of a cage it is barely noticeable, but what is happening to the zoo animals is not right. There should not be zoos because animals cannot exercise which leads to health issues, they have little to no space which causes depression, and there are other places that help animals in a safer and more productive way. The history of zoos is that animals would be in tin cages, now, they live in fake terrain, so none of these habitats are appropriate for animals. Zoos say that they are helping endangered animals, but really they are killing them.
’’According to CNN, animal advocacy group Born Free reports that there have been 256 injuries in zoos due to animal attacks over the past 26 years, resulting in 33 deaths.’’ Every single year there are many animals killed or injured in zoo’s. There are numerous zoo’s placed all over the United States. The zoo’s keep the animals trapped in a fenced in enclosure with little to no water source or spacious area. Numerous people disagree with the fact various breeds are mixed in the same enclosure. People believe that animals should be allowed to enjoy their own natural habitat and live with their families, and not trapped within enclosures.
Zoos have become a very visited place over a person’s lifetime, whether it be for an educational school field trip or for a day of fun. It’s a wonderful experience to be able to see animals up close in a controlled environment, keeping visitors safe from these animals, however do visitors think of what the animals are going through? Zoos are not providing enough space for captivated animals to live causing numerous problems not only involving the animals, but some visitors as well. Zoos should not be allowed to hold animals in captivity unless they significantly increase the size of each cage (change cage into something else).
One of the most fun, visually amazing functions to visit are zoo's. Growing up as a kid going to the zoo was so much fun and basically guaranteed a great day out. People have been complaining and questioning the role of zoo's for a long time now. Some claim that it actually kills the animals off faster. Others claim that zoo's actually help protect and preserve the lives of these animals. Only one can make a reasonable argument by studying sources, and finding out statistics. Based off of the articles, "The Stripes Will Survive", "The Zoos Go Wild", and "Our Beautiful Macaws and Why They Need Enrichment", we can truly get in-depth analysis about the role zoo's play.
Zoos may seem fun to visit and exciting to see the animals; but what you don’t see is the suffering and depression that lies in these helpless creatures. There are many arguments whether or not zoos are good or bad, and if they should be removed or kept. Several think that zoos should be abolished or at least very much improved, due to animal cruelty. While, others want zoos to stay because it is beneficial for the animals and people. I strongly believe that zoos aren’t good for both the public and animals for numerous reasons.
Zoos across the world claim to be safe, suitable homes that replicate habitats of animals that are usually found in the wild. However, there is no possible way for wild habitats to be replicated well enough for animals in captivity to thrive, animals are often separated and withheld from living as they would in the wild. Despite their argument of being educational for visitors, the only thing they are teaching the public is that it is ok to take animals out of the wild and lock them up for their own enjoyment. Regardless of these claims, zoos are inhumane.
“Some people talk to animals. Not many listen thought. That’s the problem.” - A.A. Milne. I feel that this means some people command the animals to work, while not understanding what the animal also wants or needs. In the debate, “Are Zoos Bad News?”, written anonymously, the author reports the ethical and unethical reasoning between zoos. This came after the attack on three victims. In my opinion, the existence of zoos should endure seeing that it educates people, zoos can alter the behaviour of people to animals and zoos promote wildlife conservation.
In the past few years, a lot of controversy has been going on about whether zoos should be banned or not. Zoos should not be banned as they play a major role in preventing the extinction of some of the species help and in the protection of the animals. “In 1962 a campaign to catch three of the last living Arabic Oryx served to begin a breeding project at the Phoenix Zoo in Arizona.”[1]
There have been a lot of problems with animals in zoos. It has gotten to the point where zoos are hated and looked upon as a places of animal torture. Are zoos really that bad? Turns out, they are. They do not have enough space, they do not allow the animals to communicate with each other, and they sell the animals to cruel circuses.
Zoos are an enclosure that traps the animal. There are people out there who care about the animals in captivity. Craig Brokenshaw, an Australian surfer dedicated to saving the dolphins in captivity said, “I felt quite sad, quite disgusted. It looked like they weren’t happy at all. They just looked kind of lifeless and disinterested,” Zoos are businesses that surround breeding and buying wild animals. Around 10,000 zoos worldwide hold at least 3,000 animals each. All of these animals are in captivity when they should really be in their natural habitat, whether it’s the grasslands or the jungle. That means that millions of animals are locked in and suffering greatly. Zoos are an insalubrious
There are about 10,000 zoos in the United States alone. Many people believe zoos are inhumane, that animals shouldn’t be held in captivity. Some people think the other way, that they are humane. Zoos are humane. Zoos benefit animals in many ways.
Some people agree that animals should be kept in the zoo. They said it would be safer for the animals and they won’t be extinct. The amount of possibilities of them dying, shot by hunters or any other reason, still higher than the chances of their survival. Food and shelter are provided, medicine, and their breeding is being controlled. And many of the wild animals in zoos are ones that are on the endangered list as their amounts are rapidly diminishing. Letting them loose and returning them to the wild is not necessarily a safe option. (Mylot, 2007) In fact, zoo can be one of the educational studies for children and people who are interested with animals. Zoo is the only place that we can have an opportunity to see animal’s life really close and sometimes we can touch them. Zoos also provide lots of information about certain animals, children can have chance to get out of the classroom and learn so they can see natural beauty from different species of animals. Even children can see them from discovery channel but that’s really different if you see animal in real world, for an example, if you see crocodile, snake or shark in the movie, maybe you won’t afraid than you see the real one. According to Tudge, (1992, p.56) Zoos are the place where people can study animals and their habitat, even scientist don’t need to go
Imagine walking through the zoo as a child, thinking how awesome it is to see all of those big interesting animals you would never get to encounter in the wild. Now think of walking through the zoo when you are older seeing these same animals in a very different light. Instead of seeing animals happily living their lives you see animals wandering aimlessly around their small enclosures looking bored to tears and depressed. Is it fair that we keep these animals cooped up specifically for our own entertainment? What right do we have to capture, contain, and breed these precious animals as we please? Why should we get to control their lives when they could obviously be living a better life elsewhere? Often these questions are meet with responses of conservation and education, but in reality those defenses have little backing. No animal should be forced to live in captivity for its whole life, which is why zoos should be banned since they are truly unjust to the animals living in them.