
a day without electricity

Satisfactory Essays

An Entire Day Without Electricity For most people living in the industrialised world, electricity is one of the basic necessities. Electricity has become so ingrained with our everyday lives, that it is difficult to imagine living without it. This article explores what an ordinary day would look like in the life of a regular person if there suddenly were no electricity available for an entire day. Morning Unless you are lucky enough to wake up when the sun rises or you have a rooster in your backyard, then getting out of bed to get to work in time could prove to be your first ordeal of the day. Without smart phones or alarm clocks to wake you up in the morning, you would have to rely on your internal clock to wake you up in the …show more content…

Feeling a bit lost, you grab a book in a determined attempt to relax while having dinner. Sadly, however, the sun has already set and due to the absence of electricity, you cannot turn the lights on. Defeated, you sit in the dark eating your toast with a newly found appreciation for

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