
criminology in kenya

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AFRICA NAZARENE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW CRIMINOLOGY AND PENOLOGY ASSIGMENT EMILE DURKHEIM (1958-1971) VIEWED INEQUALITY AS A NATURAL AND INEVITABLE HUMAN CODITION THAT IS ASSOCAITED WITH SOCIAL MALADIES SUCH AS CRIME UNLESS THERE IS . EXPLAIN AN ASSET DURKHEIMS THEORY ON CRIME AND CRIME CAUSATION. STUDENT ID NO :12S01ALLB009 NAME : WACHIRA ANNE WANGUI DATE DUE :8/4/2014 [Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document. Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document.] TABLE OF CONTENTS.INTRODUCTION……………………………………………….………………1 OVERVIEW DURKHEIM’S THEORY ON CRIME………………………...2-3 DISCUSSION …show more content…

There is, then, no phenomenon that represents more indisputably all the symptoms of normality, since it appears closely connected with the conditions of all collective life." "...We must not say that an action shocks the conscience collective because it is criminal, but rather that it is criminal because it shocks the conscience collective. We do not condemn it because it is a crime, but it is a crime because we condemn it." "Contrary to current ideas, the criminal no longer seems a totally unsociable being, a sort of parasitic element, a strange and inassimilable body, introduced into the midst of society. On the contrary, he plays a definite role in social life. Crime, for its part, must no longer be conceived as an evil that cannot be too much suppressed." "Because they are found in the consciousness of every individual, the infraction which has been committed arouses the same indignation in those who witness it or who learn of its existence. Everybody is attacked; consequently, everybody opposes the attack. Not only is the reaction general, but it is collective, which is not the same thing. It is not produced in an isolated manner in each individual, but it is total, unified response, even if it varies according to the case." "We have only to notice what happens, particularly in a small town, when some moral scandal has just occurred. Men stop each other on the street, they visit each other, they seek to come together to talk of

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