
##gies Implemented In A Complex Videogame On Functional Connectivity Of Attentional Networks

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Voss, Michelle W., et al. "Effects of Training Strategies Implemented in a Complex Videogame on Functional Connectivity of Attentional Networks." Neuroimage, vol. 59, no. 1, 02 Jan. 2012, pp. 138-148. EBSCOhost

Participants were recruited if they had had played video games for 3 hours or less a week for the past 2 years. Participants also had no prior head or neck injuries and were all aware how to aim. The participants were asked to play the game “Space fortress”, which is a game that requires the player to monitor and keep track of the game's components. 2 strategies were asked of the participants to play the game, fp(which referred to fixed priority, caused players to focus on all parts of the game during the training session) and vp( …show more content…

24, no. 2, Mar. 2015, pp. 117-125. EBSCOhost

The over usage of video games has appeared to affect the mind in the OFC, the striatum, and the sensory regions. Addict gamers appeared to have more of a impulsiveness control than the normal gamer. Players who had played online showed an increase of gray matter density from the other players in the left anterior cingulate cortex. Another thing I found interesting in this article was that higher amounts of dopamine appeared in addict gamers from the “reward process” in videogames than the casual gamer. The Cambridge gambling task ( which affects the brain in making poor decisions) was found higher in addict gamers. Not only that, but addict gamers appeared to have a slower information processing than normal players.
What I took away from the article was that video game addiction could be linked backed to the same effects on the brain as drug abuse, or impulsive control disorders. Playing video games regularly may not trigger these effects, but the heavy usage of video games appears to affect the rewarding process which thus releases a higher dopamine in the brain. High concentration of dopamine can also be found in drug which gives you that “good feeling”. It is not always associated, but drug abuse can occur from a depression or other disorders. Video games also act as an escape from depression, acting almost as if it too was a drug. Both appeared to

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