Betheleham Amare
Professor McCloud
English 1101
Research Paper
16 November 2017 Impact of Playing Video Games Video games have been very common types of entertainment in every family and around the globe. They can be played on computers, cellphones, TVs and other electronics. The video game market has become one of the fastest growing businesses and comes in a variety of categories. The impact of video games on the player’s behavior has been controversial for decades. The advocates claim that video games are more than simply a fun that one plays during spare time. They strongly believe that video games are important for cognitive skill development, stress relief, prosocial behavior and reducing mental health disorders. On the other
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In the last 25 years, video games become very common public debates, especially following the school shootings in late 1990s. The killers were believed to exercise the acting role in the video game they were playing (Gimpel 7-21). Much research has been conducted regarding the effects of video games on the behavior of children. The results of the research are controversy; some claims positive effects and others debates for the negative. On top of this, video games have continued to be developed and used in highly attractive ways using the state of the art technologies.
One of the positive effects of a video game is cognitive skill development. Players of action video games develop better hand to eye coordination systems and skill to remember changing objects. As compared to the non-players, action video game players developed enhanced attentional capacity (Green 1). There are also experimental results that shows video games increase the cognition and problem-solving skills of the players (Bavelier 26-31). On the contrary, there are research results that debate video games will cause aggressive cognition. Paul Lynch presents that children who expose themselves to violent video games usually get in frequent argument with their teachers, are more likely involved in physical fights and perform poorly in school. He concluded that violent video games are a risk factor for aggressive behavior (8). The debate seems endless. There is a
Chupacabras feed on animal blood. Their tactic is to sneak up on their prey in the dark of night, and latch their fangs onto wherever they can. While most attacks show puncture wounds in the neck, there have been reports of them being in the belly and rib area of the animal, like they were pouncing on their prey from behind. They feed on any and all livestock, with chickens, goats, and sheep being the most commonly reported animals. Cattle and swine have also been reported, along with domesticated dogs and cats.
What is prejudice? Prejudice is an assumption made about someone or something that is not based on factual evidence. Prejudice happens to be a problem that has been around for a long time and still remains. An example of prejudice would be racism. Someone may have a different skin tone than one, causing you to despise them. There are no facts to show why one would dislike another just because his or her’s skin tone. An example of prejudice could also be judgement of a person’s religion. Just because someone may be Christian, Jewish, or any other religion will allow the idea into some people’s some mind to believe that they can detest someone because they don’t believe in the same concepts as you. Some people may believe that prejudice
Have you ever wondered why people enjoy playing video games? Players often find video games to be fun and exciting. But there’s a downside. Many adults assume that video games are harmful to the player, but that’s not necessarily true. Most people don’t understand that playing video games also comes with many benefits. We need to change how the world targets video games as always being “harmful”. Although, many people think video games are harmful, video games have positive effects on people in terms of perceptual tasks, having great educational potential, and improving problem-solving skills.
Video games are frowned upon by parents as time-wasters, and worse, some education experts think that these games corrupt the brain. Violent video games are easily blamed by the media and some experts as the reason why some young people become violent or commit extreme anti-social behavior. But many scientists and psychologists find that video games can actually have many benefits – the main one is making kids smart. Video games may actually teach kids high-level thinking skills that they will need in the future.
possibilities for movement in this space?" Video games contribute to the stimulation of the mind
At this day in age we bask in the luxury of having easy access to advanced technology at our disposal. From the World Wide Web, to cell phones, music, movies and video games the human race has thought of any and everything to keep us entertained. Over the years studies have shown reasonable concerns regarding the long-term effects of video games. These games can desensitize gamers to real life violence, which is usually seen in the younger crowd. The studies especially hit on the games containing player-on-player violence. Though these games are extremely entertaining and can get kids to settle down for a while, if not properly supervised, they can produce adverse effects. Other studies have shown that video games can be used as way to
Playing video games can lead to an aggressive behavior like fighting, bulling or abusing. However, referring to some people, they think that these video games reflect a big support in children memory that could bring them a bigger vision at school, but not according to Poole. S, who based to a new research thinks that “Video games will make your kids violent and more likely to fail at school” Web. (2000, Apr 26). There are statistics that shows how in 1996 the U.S entertainment software industry accounted 2.6 billion on sales and after twenty years later was increased to 11.7 billion profits. Most of the video games have become so realistic that withdraw people physically and mentally. Therefore, children at young age are more liable to oppose such aggressive behaviors because of spending at least 13.7 hours a week on the computer or on the play station, playing games. But, spending a quality time in front of the computer playing harmful games, the National Institute of Mental Health(NIMH) reported that the conscious of video game players have been partly
“Life is a video game. No matter how good you get, you are always zapped in the end” (“Video Game Quotes” 1). Over time researchers, psychiatrists, and parents have often wondered how damaging violent video games can be to the youth in society. This is an important matter to people with children in their personal lives or work environment. These games have become a large risk factor for aggressive behavior in children. Researchers have been saying that video games do affect adults as well; however, they have even more effect on younger brains in early development. Video games have negative effects on childrens’ behavior. Some effects that video games have are reduced academic performance, aggression, obesity, and emotional disorder.
Video games are fun to play. Playing video games may help us to forget our stress for a while, but is it really worth our precious time? The popularity of video games is on an upward trend. Every day we see many people playing video games and getting addicted to it. Without caring much about their surroundings, they focus their attention solely on these games. Video games are popular all over the world including the United States. According to the article “Video games,” more than 75 percent American youths have video-game consoles at home, and on a typical day, at least 40 percent of them play a video game (Glazer). The statistics show that the total number of people playing video games is huge. The interesting thing is that the estimates show three-quarters of the population owning a gaming console. Every day people are wasting their precious time sitting in front of Xbox and PlayStation. They seem to be in their own world far away from the reality. They enjoy their virtual achievements more than the real one. Instead of caring about their decreasing grades, they care about their position in the game. Therefore, despite its popularity, these games are actually affecting us in negative ways. The video games have become one of the major problems of this generation because a large number of people are wasting their precious time and hard-earned money in these games instead of doing
When asked, some people would say playing video games is a bad thing especially for teenagers who seem to be the majority population indulging in the activity. That is how the society will most likely view video games, they will claim that video games turn young people into violent adults, ruin the eyes because of constant staring at the bright screen or simply they are melting your brains. These kind of criticism levelled against video gaming so much border on clichés, are so ubiquitous and common that most are not actually founded on actual science. The beginnings of mainstream console and computer gaming in the 1970s have caused detractors to raise their concern about the fighting games and the first person shooters. On the contrary, there are several studies, which offer conflicting conclusions about how the activity of video gaming is both beneficial on one’s physical and mental health, (Abanes, 2006). Here are some of the facts that will let you weigh up the evidence for yourself and see how video gaming is not actually a bad but a good activity.
Video gaming can cause many health problem, Death, Poor Performance and Preoccupations for people. Video game change the facts how people sees the world in a negative ways which can leads to health problem, Poor performance, Preoccupations and also death. Many teens are into gaming more than before which also increase the cause of problem and addiction. Teens treat gaming as a daily life activity that’s why it causes more negative effects on them than the one who only uses the game during free time. It’s start with playing video game sometime then leads to addictions and problem.
Yesterday a child killed 16 people and injured many more in less than 20 mins. He is just a child, how is this possible? Video games have become more popular with children, and adolescents, copious amount of video games exposes children to violence. Did you know that children and adolescents who played more violent games were most likely to report aggressive cognitions and behaviors? (Toppo 2015) In today's society, violent video games such as “Call of Duty” have a negative effect on health, growth and development, and posing a bad influence for children and young adults. Due to the advancing technology video games are becoming more popular, therefore having a negative effect on children and young adults.
In today's world, video games are used for a variety of purposes, whether it is helping to relieve stress, or just simply for entertainment. However, can the content of these video games somehow affect our mental and physical well-being? Can it affect not only those who play video games, but also the people around them? There has been extensive research, yet there exists no definitive answer whether video games can affect one's behavior. This topic is becoming increasingly important with the rise of new and advanced video games; however, we must stop and question whether this is safe to permit this influence around the new generations who will become the leaders of tomorrow. With the advancements of high-definition quality and a growing demographic of children who play violent video games, one must question its effect on the levels of aggression and whether video games increase the levels of aggression not only in children but also in the general public.
As a teenager people tend to make stereotypes about you. One is that most teens are lazy and do not like to do anything, the other is that a lot of male teens play video games and waste their time on that. Imagine staying up till three am in the morning just playing video games, people will say that is bad right? As it turns out it is and it is very unhealthy but at the same time doing anything at three am in the morning is unhealthy and bad for you. If you are doing homework, working on something, or even just being on your phone up until that time of day it can never benefit you. This is where people tend to generalize and make unrealistic assumptions on people who spend their time playing video games. They start saying how playing video games is bad and playing mature games is making young people dangerous, not only to themselves but to others as well. In reality video games are not bad for anybody, they are only bad when an individual allows it to take control of their life, but this goes for anything in life. Games are actually very beneficial, they can have a good effect on people who play them and can enhance certain traits that the human body has. In researching this topic the conclusion was that not all video games have the same effect on everyone, meaning that video games do not effect young people and the way others perceive them to. One statement that remains true in my research is that video games can improve on many skills and for the most part it is all up to
In recent times, video games have quietly risen as the premier form of entertainment worldwide. Global revenues for the video game industry totaled $83.6 billion in 2014, outpacing both the film and music industry which rang in $36.4 billion and 15.06 billion respectively in the same year. (Foote, 2016). In the U.S., video games have a wide influence on the American society with “more than 40% of Americans reported playing video games regularly, (Green and Seitz, 2015), and of the 40%, children are a major part. Issues arise on the topic of how beneficial video games are to its users and even more so the niche for children. As with all forms of media, their effects on its consumers are always called into question, especially when it