
##o's Relationship In Prospero In The Tempest By William Shakespeare

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Prospero is a powerful, sharp, determined, and a loving father, who likes to be in control. In Act One Scene 2, his language tells us a lot about him and his relationships with the other characters.
Prospero’s retellings of past events to Miranda and Ariel illustrates how Prospero maintained his power, exploring the old man’s meticulous carful methods of controlling those around him through magic, charisma, and rhetoric.
When we meet Ariel we see Prospero's control over him straight away with "Has't thou spirit, perform'd to point the tempest I bade thee?” This shows that it is Prospero who makes commands and expects Ariel to obey him.
But why would Ariel serve Prospero? It turns out that Prospero had rescued Ariel from imprisonment in a tree by a witch, who used to be the ruler of the island. When Ariel asks for his freedom, in this scene, Prospero gets furious and uses similes, metaphors and detailed descriptions to emphasize the horror of Ariels situation before he came to the island. “What torment I did find thee in. Thy groans of ever angry bears. It was a torment. Did make wolves howl and penetrate the breasts”. This reminds Ariel that he is in thrall to Prospero who keeps the spirit doing his bidding by threatening to return him to the suffering from which he came. “If thou more murmur’st, I will rend an oak and peg thee in his knotty entrails till thou hast howled away twelve winters.” This also highlights his own power as he sets Ariel free and threatens to put

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