
Essay on terrorism

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Effects of Terrorism

Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.
--FBI Definition

On Tuesday September 11th, 2001 our Nation was forever changed. Following the single largest terrorist attack ever experienced by this country, thousands are dead or missing, tens of thousands of people in this country know someone who was killed or injured, and many more have witnessed or heard about the attack through the media. The impact of this magnitude of terrorist attack will affect people at all levels of involvement: victims, bereaved family members, friends, rescue workers, …show more content…

2 Ibid., p. 414
3 Pfefferbaum, B., Gurwitch, R., McDonald, N., Leftwih, M.,Sconzo, G., Messenbaugh, A., Schultz, R. (2000). Posttraumatic stress among children after the death of a friend or acquaintance in a terrorist bombing. Psychiatric Services, 51, 386-388.

There have been very few terrorist attacks in the United States, as opposed to some nations and there is documented information known about how people are affected. In my opinion it appears that mental healing occurs over time, although people most directly exposed to terrorist attacks are at a higher risk to develop PTSD.

Problems with anxiety, depression, and substance abuse are also commonly reported.4 Predictors include being closer to the attacks, being injured, or knowing someone who was killed or injured. Those who watch more media coverage on attacks are also at higher risk for PTSD and associated problems. Research from both domestic and international terrorist events sheds some light on the heightened risk for traumatic stress reactions in individuals exposed to those events. Following are some specific examples:

Oklahoma City Bombing
· Almost half of survivors directly exposed to the blast reported developing problems with anxiety, depression, and alcohol and over a

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