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Draw the Lewis Structure for N₂.

Answer – N₂’s Lewis structure is given by N₂ lewis structure.


N₂ is the formula for diatomic nitrogen gas. Below are the steps for drawing its Lewis structure:

1. First, identify the total number of valence electrons in N₂.

Since nitrogen belongs to Group 5A of the periodic table, it has 5 valence electrons. Thus, N₂, with two atoms of nitrogen, will have 10 valence electrons.

2. Next, place one pair of electrons between the atoms and join them to indicate the formation of a chemical bond. Then, arrange the remaining 8 valence electrons in pairs around both the N atoms.

Electron sharing with 1 bond formed between N₂ atoms

3. Finally, complete the octet for both atoms by moving electrons around as required.

For any molecule to be stable, all atoms in it must satisfy the octet rule, i.e. they must have 8 valence electrons in their outermost shell. In the above structure, only the N atom on the left has a complete octet. For the other atom to also complete its octet, two more electron pairs must be shared between the atoms. This leads to the formation of 2 additional covalent bonds, resulting in a total of 3 bonds between the N atoms.

N₂ Lewis structure

The above structure is the Lewis structure of N₂.