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Is Aluminum Magnetic?

Answer – In its natural state, aluminum is non-magnetic.


Aluminum is non-magnetic because of its

  • Electronic configuration: Ferromagnetic metals (metals that exhibit magnetic properties under an external magnetic field) such as iron, have unpaired electrons in their atoms. These electrons can align with an external magnetic field, creating a strong magnetic attraction. However, the pairing of aluminum’s electrons prevents this type of alignment and exhibition of magnetic property.
  • Crystal structure: In general, the spinning of electrons produces a magnetic dipole, thus making them behave like tiny magnets. The arrangement of atoms in aluminum’s crystal lattice hinders the alignment of electron spins, making the molecule non-magnetic.

Aluminum’s individual electron pairs can be slightly influenced by a strong magnetic field, resulting in paramagnetism (magnetism in materials weakly attracted by a strong magnet). But when this magnetic field disappears, aluminum loses its induced magnetism and doesn’t retain any magnetic properties.