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What Is an Enzyme-Substrate Complex?

Answer – An enzyme-substrate (ES) complex is a temporary association between an enzyme and its substrate(s) during a chemical reaction, where the enzyme facilitates the conversion of the substrate(s) into product(s).


Each substrate is specific to an enzyme. This is because every enzyme has a specific site called the active site, where only a definite substrate can bind. This site is complementary to the substrate. 

As the substrate enters the active site, it is held in place by various weak bonds/interactions, such as hydrogen bonds, ionic bonds, and hydrophobic interactions. This is a temporary association. Once the enzyme converts the substrate into product(s), the ES complex dissociates.

Below is a general equation of the formation of the ES complex:

Enzyme (E) + Substrate (S) = Enzyme-Substrate (ES) complex

A diagram showcasing the events occurring during the formation of the enzyme-substrate complex.
An enzyme-substrate complex is a temporary molecular structure formed when an enzyme binds to its substrate(s) during a chemical reaction.