Alexander John Greenslade, Stepney, London, 1885. I was born to Lord John Greenslade and Lady Mary Capelle. In my early years, me and my kin took residency in Millbank road; walking distance from both the Palace of Westminster and Buckingham Palace. We lived in a white bricked mansion: five stories tall; a small porters lodge just outside the front door; white and gold incrusted foyer centred around a carpeted marble staircase, a glittering chandelier hanging from The Creation of Adam on the ceiling
William Thomson, seems like an ordinary man living in the 19th century, but what if I said, Lord Kelvin…would that spark any knowledge? Lord Kelvin, otherwise known as William Thomson, is well known for his discovery of the Kelvin scale. Without multiple inventions and discoveries made by William Thomson, the science world would be lacking much insight of thermodynamics, navigation at sea, and communication across the Atlantic. Although not an Einstein, Thomson’s contributions to the science world
Throughout this soliloquy in act 3 scene 4 of Shakespeare's Richard III Lord Hastings is led to his execution. This scene portrays how the cycle of nemesis turns for all who choose to chase earthly glory. He projects his regret to chase power alongside Richard as well as when he neglected to acknowledge the many implications that led to his demise ultimate punishment, death. He is currently being lowered off the wheel of fortune while simultaneously Richard has come one step into his goal with his
What’s in a name? As you stroll around the streets of Nelson, do we ever look up at the blue signs, wondering the stories behind these names that roll off your tongue so everyday? Do you stop to picture Nelson, 170 years ago, imagining the people that walk the same path to work as you everyday, down Trafalgar Street? These steps that the first settlers of Nelson made, have shaped our city, creating the perfect base for following generations to make change upon. As generations have occupied Nelson
A man and his wife were sitting in the Living Room watching TV. The man gets up and goes into the kitchen to get some popcorn. He comes back into the room to find his wife on the floor behind the couch unconscious and covered in blood. He hears rustling behind him. He turns around to find a masked man holding a baseball bat, the bat gets swung then it all goes black. “Dad wake up! Wake up, dad!” “ It’s time for school!” Timmy was jumping on his dad’s bed trying to wake him up. It’s a big
The term rhetoric is defined as a skill of speaking or writing in order to persuade or impact someone. Not everyone is required to have the same views on a particular topic or subject in order to be a good rhetorician. I believe that Anne Boleyn is a prime example of someone who has a wide set of views about herself. Throughout this course we have been given different texts and films about Anne Boleyn, and they have all shown Anne from a different perspective. These different outlooks of Anne allow
Power Corrupts Absolutely Kyle Hayes 0923036 Paula Barata University Of Guelph PSYC*1000 Human history has bared witness to more tyrants than it could hope to enumerate. Whether it be despotic monarchs, autocratic dictators, or megalomaniac celebrities, countless figures in positions of power have perpetuated Lord Acton’s famous axiom, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” (Acton, 1906; Figgis & Laurence, 1906). However, is Acton’s aphorism scientifically valid
Known as one of the greatest British poets, George Noel Gordon Byron, more commonly known as Lord Byron, became popular for his use of the English language and showing his romantic lifestyle. With his astounding use of writing, he goes down in history as a leader in the Romantic movement. Not only did he exemplify an important role model during this era of writing, but considered the most notorious and flamboyant poet from 1785 until 1830, when the Romantic Movement ended. Many of his poems published
The film “The 39 Steps” is about a man who has information about a secret that will be leaked out if not told by a man from a secret woman agent who was killed. He fled the scene and is being hunted down because authorities believe that he killed the woman. Once he meets the man, he accidentally told the man he should not have told. The man killed him, but he actually was not killed and survived and not only is hiding from the authorities but people who work for the man that tried to kill him. When
William Thomson also known as Lord Kelvin, is a chemist that is famous for Devising the absolute temperature scale, now called the Kelvin scale. He also formulated the second law of thermodynamics. Thomson was given a good education at home by his own father. Thomson was the second child out of four children. Also, his mother passed away when he was at the age of six. Thomson suffered from heart problems at the age of 9 and even came close to death. Thomson’s biggest contribution to his area of