Endangered Species Essay

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    Facts: According to the Endangered Species Act the northern spotted owl and the red cockaded woodpecker are listed as endangered species. Loggers in the Pacific Northwest who make their living working in the forest in the same habitat of the wild birds were made to stop cutting lumber by the federal government agency Fish and Wildlife and the Department of the Interior. Sweet Home Chapter of Communities for a Great Oregon consist of logging companies, landowners integrated with other people filed

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    Endangered Species Act Most people are familiar with the Endangered Species List which is a document that shows various fish, birds, mammals, and other creatures that are in danger of extermination from the face of the Earth. The lists served the purpose of ensuring that the government would do whatever was necessary to stop this from happening. When the Endangered Species Act was first envisioned, the idea was that creating a piece of federal legislation to prevent the killing of animals that had

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    For this project on endangered species I have chosen to do it on the burrowing owl. I have chosen the owl because I really like owls and they are such majestic animals. I am going to be saying stuff on the Burrowing owl and why they are endangered and what is being done to rescue them. The Burrowing owl is a very endangered species. There are fewer than 1000 pairs in Canada. The average burrowing owl grows up to 23-28 centimeters tall and weighs up to 125 to 185 grams. A Burrowing owl is a small

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    Cloning Endangered Species Essay

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    United States of America. Instead of protecting the national emblem, “on July 4, 1976, the US Fish and Wildlife Service officially listed the bald eagle as a national endangered species” (History of…). The representation of the country’s freedom, strength, and beauty lies heavily on this bird; if it were to become an extinct species, what would that say for the United States? There is a very realistic and near-future solution: cloning. The topic of cloning, which has become a part of modern-day society

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    in a fishery. This policy will enable controlled fishing (Solliman, 2014). Endangered species of marine ecosystems can also be restored in an artificial way. This is a practice that ensures all species will coexist in many years to come. Through this practice different species are introduced in a new habitat. Here they are mingled with native species. This enables a specific ecosystem to have variety of different species. It is this practice that ensures predators do not run out of food. Another

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    Endangered Species Table Animal name Bigeye tuna (thunnus obesus) Mistbelt chirping frog (anhydrophryne ngongoniensis) Atlas dwarf viper (vipera monticola) Kirtland’s warbler (dendroica kirtlandii) Bengal tiger (panthera tigris tigris) Picture Website Reference for Picture http://www.fpir.noaa.gov/SFD/SFD_regs_6.html Wildscreen Arkive http://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/Vipera_monticola Audubon Tigers World Physical Traits They grow as long as 200+ cm., They can be as heavy as 180+ kg,. They

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    Spotted leopard is endangered species because of over hunting. It is one of the five big cats in the genus Panthera. Is also a member of the Felidae family. This PC currently resides in the sub Sahara part of Africa and parts of Asia. The spotted leopard like other leopards have short legs. The spotted leopard only girls to about 3 feet tall. The leopards girl is rather large with these largest canines has any other feline. Another name for leopards is johar 's both leopards and johar 's that are

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    They died. Sadly, for every species that is alive today, perhaps a thousand more have lived previously and had become extinct. Arguably, extinction could be considered part of the evolutionary processes. Undoubtedly, in the wild, endangered species try to adapt to the alterations in their niches, but sometimes they fail for the reason that they cannot cope fast enough with the deviations. Accurately, change could be considered as a threat to survivability [1] whether or not it comes from the nature

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    Vanessa Kuehne Environmental Science Lecture Melanie Waite-Altringer June 23, 2015 Minnesota Wolves on the Endangered Species List I do believe that the wolves in Minnesota should be placed on the endangered species list. Their population has declined for about over the past decade, but fortunately seems to be back on the rise again due to strict laws and regulations. The Endangered Species Act has been a great help to the replenishment of wolves and has kept them safe over the last year and previous

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    young endangered animal, several adults of the species are often killed as they attempt to protect the young one” (par. 7). Even if animals flourish in a zoo, they are not likely to be equipped to survive in the wild after release, especially if they have never learned from their elders how to hunt their prey. Because of the low success rate, reintroduction into the wild is often not even attempted for many species. It is obvious that zoos are committed to preserving species and providing

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