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    Fierce, vehement, and feral, Emile Griffith punched Benny Paret 18 times within a mere 3 seconds. These crucial 3 seconds became life-changing for the enduring Benny Paret as he confronted death; unfortunately, Paret could not bear the deep wound inflicted to him by Griffith and has passed away. In the stands, the audience was frightened by what they saw, but one in particular, Norman Mailer, was also appalled and incredulous in what he had witnessed. Afterwards, Norman Mailer published a passage

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    During this part of Hamlet, the King has just witnessed Hamlet’s play and concluded that his murderous actions are no longer a secret. Now that there are possible consequences, King Claudius feels regret for his actions and wants to be forgiven. However, he still wants to keep his prizes of being king and marrying the queen, therefore he tries to pray to be forgiven and later on devises a plan to get rid of Hamlet. James Burgh wrote the elocution manual The Art of Speaking to inform the youth of

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    Being new to an unfamiliar place is always a challenge and bring discomfort, being alone and knowing no one. In “The Street”, Ann Petry uses personification, selection of detail, and imagery in order to reveal Lutie's relationship to the urban setting and to show the challenges Lutie Johnson faces in the urban environment. At the beginning of the passage, Petry uses imagery in order to set the environment in which the main character is introduced. Petry starts off with “a cold November wind blowing

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    Commentary on Lorna Sage, Bad Blood (2000) This passage revolves around a young girl's life, how it has changed and what it has become. It is ironically, how a friendship has evolved into something that the two girls who are exposed in this passage have never thought it would become. Sage introduces us to what we can conclude to be herself in the first paragraph of this passage, whilst introducing us to her dear friend (or shall we say greatest enemy?) in the second paragraph. The relationship

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  • Decent Essays

    Diction “Far below, Louie was still ensnared in the plane, writhing in the wires. He looked up and saw a body, drifting passively. The plane coursed down, and the world fled away above. Louie felt his ears pop, and vaguely recollected that at the swimming pool at Redondo Beach, his ears would pop at twenty feet. Darkness enfolded him, and the water pressure bore in with greater and greater intensity. He struggled uselessly. He thought: Hopeless.” (Page 120) - I selected this passage because when

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  • Decent Essays

    In “The Death of Benny Paret,” Mailer adopts an aghast attitude towards Emile Griffith, in order to characterize him as an antagonist in this piece. Mailer is able to do this through diction, syntax, and imagery. One such example of where Mailer uses diction to achieve his tone and purpose is in the second paragraph when Mailer says when referring to Griffith, “(He) came alive and was dominating Paret again before the round was over.” The use of the word “dominating” makes Griffith seem uncontrollable

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  • Decent Essays

    In this passage from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, the creature recounts his earliest memories in a conversation with his creator, Victor Frankenstein. The author uses obscure diction and infantile imagery to convey the impression of the creature as a baby just learning about life and the world. In the first half of the passage, the author portrays the creature as a baby by creating a disoriented tone through the use of obscure diction and childlike imagery in order to express the creature’s bewilderment

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  • Decent Essays

    In The Late Homecomer, we follow a family of Hmong people through their many hardships and the eventual struggle to become Americans. A young Kao, her sister Dawb, her mother, father, and grandmother manage to preserve through everything thrown at them by relying on family, a theme evident throughout the novel. Love, however is what helps them prevail though the trials they face as a family and a people and is what becomes an understated, but reoccurring theme in the novel, The Late Homecomer. When

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  • Decent Essays

    Death of Benny Paret Essay Molly Daunt Period 5 Norman Mailer uses imagery to negatively depict boxing. This passage is based upon Benny Parent and Griffith, who are club fighters. Mailer uses imagery to describe the violence of the fight. Motifs that are used in this passage are death, simile, and animalistic imagery. Mailer witnesses the tragic death of Paret. Through many motifs, Mailer is able to have an effect on his audience, allowing them to feel the same horror. The passage

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  • Good Essays

    Ellie McDonnell Passage: “Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth. I sat at a table where rich food and wine in abundance, an obsequious attendance, but sincerity and truth were not, and I went away hungry from the inhospitable board. The hospitality was as cold as the ices. Henry David Thoreau, Walden, or Life in the Woods Chris McCandless’s remains At the top of the page, the word ‘truth’ had been written in large block letters in McCandless’s hand” Entry: The passage reveals

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