U.S. consumers remain addicted to credit. Consumer debt continues to rise to record levels and a significant number of households have lost control of their finances. Credit cards can be a useful financial tool when used appropriately. However, research clearly indicates that consumers are not using credit cards wisely and consumers do not understand the terms and conditions of the credit card contract. Adding to this public dilemma, the practices of numerous credit card issuers have been described
Americans Must Refrain from Overspending and Going into Debt A major change that has transpired in America is the growth in consumer debts. Consumer debts have grown exponentially over the last decades due to the elimination of price controls that were once used by lenders to extend credit to consumers. “The elimination of those price controls changed the nature of consumer lending and consumer borrowing by providing an extraordinary profit opportunity to financial institutions and enhanced purchasing
Consumer Debt And The Personal Loan: How To Give Yourself An Economic Edge Between credit cards, mortgages and student loans, Americans are collectively in debt to the tune of over 11 trillion dollars. If your personal finances are riddled with debt, you're likely pulling off quite a balance act as you try to pay all the bills while still maintaining some quality of life. Here's how personal loans could make life easier for you: The Advantages Of A Personal Loan Personal loans are much more flexible
Ever since a consumer could purchase goods or services with a plastic card, there has been complications. Credit cards have a few positives, but the risks heavily outweigh the good. Americans owe a combined 12 trillion dollars’ worth of credit card debt (John Oliver, 2016). The average household in the United Sates owes around $5,700 (valuepenguin.com). Debt should not be something new for American consumers since they already deal with student loan, automobile, and mortgage debt. Since credit card
Student Loan Debt and Consumer Choice In today’s society, student loans are haunting the lives of millions of postgraduates all over the United States. Students who have carelessly taken out loans and those in serious need of financial aid for their college education are now burdened with thousands of dollars worth of debt. As the student debt average continues to increase in our nation, the budgets of postgraduates begin to dwindle and the amount of defaults grow dramatically. With the large student
The Reason Behind the Increase of Consumer Debt and Materialism Everywhere you go today, you see white ear buds sticking on people’s ears. There are millions of people (especially teenagers) that own iPods in America right now. I remember the first time I saw an iPod on TV from 50 Cents’ music video. I thought the gadget was really cool because of how much music it could hold in such a small size. Straight away, one would think that only upper middle class people would be
can bring the off balance of a marriage especially when the couple does not collaborate well about their financial stability. In the article "The Association Between Consumer Debt and the Likelihood of Divorce", a survey was done to find the correlation between consumer debt and divorce and the results were proven that consumer debt positively predicted the hazard of divorce (Dew 562). This statement just emphasizes how financial stability is an asset to keeping a healthy marriage and to avoid stress
why aren’t consumers saving more for retirement? One potential answer to this phenomenon is that consumers are in too much debt to save. Individuals are shaped by their environment and the historical era or period in which they were associated (Houle, 2014). Today’s pre-retirees were the first generation to come of age in a historical period where debt was readily accessible and acceptable. In addition to the previous obstacles mentioned, challenges such as consumer and credit card debt, mortgages
While using financial ratios to measure wealth adequacey, Love, Smith, and McNair (2008) examined the current wealth adequacy of older U.S. households, those age 55 and older, using the 1998-2006 waves of the Health and Retirement Study (HRS). To establish a benchmark of wealth adequacy, poverty-line wealth was analyzed to establish a base-line level of wealth required to provide income over the projected remaining lifetimes of each household member. Due to the poverty line being an unaspiring goal
In consumer research, consumption and spending behavior is explained using the life-cycle stages of a household. The Life-Cycle Hypothesis (LCH) posits three stages of the life-cycle; young, middle-aged, and retired members of a household. As households go through different stages over the life-cycle, each stage presents different financial goals and challenges (Baek & Hong, 2004). The LCH also contends that consumption is a linear function of available cash and the discounted value of future income;