Corporal punishment

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    It is a good idea to spank your children yes, I think that it is a great idea. Today in this generation parents do not like to say no to their kids and they get whatever they want. This is a big problem with children running their parents today and the parents are not saying no or disciplining them. I believe that kids today should be spanked. Many kids today do not have any respect for anyone like adults, teachers, and their grandparents. In this generation parents do not like to spank or discipline

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    Spanking is Positive Have you ever been spanked, when you were a child? Do you remember how it felt? Did it have an effect on your attitude as you grew older? Now, when you look back at it, do you think it was a good thing? I have interviewed three random college students that have been spanked when they were a child. Even though spanking may be an example of physical abuse, I believe it is positive and not as serious as hitting with a fist or object. The following gives examples

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    educated as a child.This is where the topic of is physical punishment the correct form of educating children or not?The opposing sides state that children should not be educated by physical means such as spanking because it affects the child’s mentally also, children who are educated by spanking tend to be more aggressive and parents sometimes just use spanking as their own personal stress reliever. People that have to refer to physical punishment to get their points across are just taking the lazy way

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    is understandable, but only if the punishment escalates from disciplinary spanking to physical abuse. Within my psychology book the idea of spanking was spoken about as well. To give a summary of what was said spanking can be harmful if done on as a main source of punishment rather than as a back-up plan, because it becomes less about the shock received from the parent actually doing it and the respect they receive by actually following through with the punishment and more along the lines of someone

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    Brianna Ascencio ENGWR 300 T/Th 7:30 Dr. Muñoz November 19, 2013 Research Paper Physical Punishment and the Effects A fearful child walks slowly, but carefully to his house from school. Walking home feels faster than usual and before he knows it, he walks into the front door as quietly as possible. He gets a sort of relief when he finds out he is home alone. Seconds later, he gets that turned feeling in his stomach again. He knows he awaits for the worst. What he has done wasn’t so bad

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    Kids get extremely out of control, although some parents do not know how to control their child or children and want to know a way to teach them how to respect what their parents say. Spanking can solve this issue, some say its child abuse, but it’s just discipline since 2014 close to 81% of Americans agree with spanking, but since it has dropped, as parents decide to spoil their kids and when they're bad they take away a video game for a little while. Spanking should be accepted in every state where

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  • Decent Essays

    Every human being has been disciplined at some point of their life. The term discipline can be defined as to teach knowledge and skills; however, it is often equated to punish and control in parenthood. The different ways to discipline a child has been a hot subject since the early times of the biblical period. Many states in the United States had created laws to protect children from child abuse. In the last decade child abuse has been on a rapidly growing issue. The goal of parenting is to provide

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  • Decent Essays

    1. (Tell the Story of my friend and his son rough housing) 2. Spanking children is an act where the parent and/or governing figure in the child’s immediate circle slap the child, mainly on the buttocks as a punishment. This is very harmful to the physiological and neurological development of children. 3. Based on the many of the online articles and journals from different academic sources like the oxford journal, the Department of Human Development and Family Sciences I have read personally, I am

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    In this chapter I will explain if the use of time-outs and spanking are a good way to correct a misbehave in children. As people know time-out is is a method use to modify undesirable and inappropriate behavior in children, such as disobedience aggression and inappropriate social behavior. Exclusion time out is usually the process in which you placed the child in a corner of a room away from any fun activities un-reinforced by social interactions. There is also isolation time out in which you remove

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    discipline children, but this can be achieved through alternative punishments, rather than parents resorting to a scornful slap. The common idea in this country is that, it is okay to smack children as a form of discipline, however this brutish idea needs to change before more instances of child cruelty are brought to light. The idealistic approach to smacking in this country is that parents are entitled to resort to corporal punishment when attempting to discipline their children. Anonymous (2006)

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