do you believe in god essay

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  • Decent Essays

    In the 17th and 18th centuries, many people became interested in explanations based off of Science and started to become skeptical of magic and miracles. That he created a perfect world in which he doesn’t need to intervene. They believe in the fact that the universe is run by natural laws. They aren’t believers in miracles occurring. So with that being said is Deism a Religion or Philosophy? Deism is definitely a type of Religion. Philosophy is the study of knowledge, reality and existence. While

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    religion, does God exist, Blaise Pascal focused on a different approach of inquiry. He proposed, should I believe in God? His question makes people think, what are the reasons I should believe in God? Other arguments, such as the ontological argument, concluded that since God is the omniscient, omnipresent, and omnibenevolent, he is the prime creator. However, Pascal tackles the subject of God in a contrasting way. He sets two options, of equal probability, either a- I believe in God or b- I do not believe

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    The world view naturalism believes that there is no God and there is no evolution. They believe that pain, beauty, and pleasure is all in your mind. Naturalism also believes that there is no higher authority with them believing that mankind, creation and individuals have no purpose in life. Some naturalists believe if there is a God he is an “absent landlord”. Either there is no God or God has no or influence on nature. Some naturalists even believe that nature itself might be “the creative being”

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    Decent Essays
  • Good Essays

    I do not find the three arguments I analyzed satisfactory for the existence of God. The existence of God simply cannot be proven. Regardless of how strong a person’s faith is, or how many miracles they claim to have witnessed, God can only ever be a possibility. First, I will discuss why Pascal’s wager is not a satisfying argument for the existence of God. I will then examine C.D. Broad’s “Argument for the Existence of God”, and why it is also not a satisfying argument for the existence of God.

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    Good Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Throughout this course and learning more about God and the different perspectives on God. Everyone has a view on God and it starts on how you were brought up, whether your family is big on religion and the Christianity teaching or they are not and believe that there is no God. Like I said before in the last paper. I am a Christian, and I believe and have faith in God and I feel like the reason for this is how I was raised and how I taught that having faith in God and following his teachings would make me

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Blaise Pascal makes us think about the question of whether God exists or not. Pascal does not really argue about the existence of God like the other people do, he looks at the choices in whether or not to believe. His argument leads to the question of, “Can belief in God be reduced to a wager?” Pascal’s wager is in the major field of epistemology, but could also be ethics/value theory. Epistemology is the knowledge with regard to its methods, validity, and scope. It is also the investigation of

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    Decent Essays
  • Satisfactory Essays

    There is a reason that God exists. There is the cosmological argument also known as the first cause argument. There is always a reason or a cause for something to exist and everything has a cause and everything was caused to exist or else it came from nothing. I am trying to imply in the course of this essay that there is no reason that God exists. I think that the arguments do not prove sufficient evidence to state that he is the first cause or the uncaused cause. Firstly, I do not really agree with

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    Satisfactory Essays
  • Decent Essays

    whether or not I believe in God, the responses I usually get back are let’s just say less than friendly. I am often reminded of the fact, constantly, that apparently God is all around us, and that if we look hard enough we can find God. However, I don’t believe we should have to look for God. If God were real, wouldn’t He reach out to us? When I’m told that I just have to believe and have faith that God is real, I often retort back with, “You just have to be more reasonable.” I personally do not need religion

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  • Decent Essays

    belief in God to allow the permission to get into the gold pearly gates, also known as Heaven. Pascal weighs out the good and the bad when believing in God to determine what he should believe. When weighing out the good it way over steps the bad, since the bad is a life long eternity spent in hell. The only down side is that there may have been a little time lost from your life when trying to learn more about God. Believing in God is a simple and a really easy choice to make, so you do not have to

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    He believed that, “either God exists, or he does not.” In other words, if you believe in God you get to go to heaven, but if you do not believe in God and he exist, then you are sent to hell in the afterlife. Wager uses logics to back his theory up like, “If we do not know whether God exists than we should play it safe rather than risk being sorry.” Although I do agree that there is a God and that we should all put our faith in him, I do not agree that there is only one God. There are many different

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    Decent Essays