Informational Outline Topic: Josef Mengele General Purpose: To inform Specific purpose: To inform the audience about Josef Mengele, a doctor in Auschwitz and a psychological quandary. Thesis: From his early life to his insane experiments, Josef Mengele is a perfect model of the evils humans are capable of. I. Introduction a. Attention Getter: Josef Mengele, Angel of Death, the man that ordered the death of around 1.6 million people. Men, women, old, or young, no one was an exception. At
Josef Mengele Josef Mengele was the oldest of three sons born to Karl and Walburga Mengele in the village of Gunzburg. Karl was a local industrialist who owned a plant that manufactured farming equipment. He was known as a stern but fair employer and a hard worker. It was his wife Walburga, however, whom his employees feared the most. A big woman with a terrible temper, she was often known to walk the floor of her husband's factory and publicly tell off employees for being lazy and poor workmanship
The struggle to convict Mengele went on year after year. Ten years after the war ended, Mengele's case was finally open, and by that time Memgele must have felt safe as he was residing under his own name (Wiesenthal 43). Mengele would move for remote farm all around South American to avoid the gun at his back (Tony). Mengele was living in Paraguay, enough money from his family's factories to live a comfortable life, but Paraguay would not extradite him as they said he was a Paraguay citizen with
Acts of a Perpetrator, Josef Mengele To be a perpetrator, usually you are mean, or evil to ones around you, such as in the Holocaust; the Nazi’s were perpetrators. Josef Mengele is an SS Nazi Doctor at Auschwitz who fulfilled his role as a perpetrator, who seemed to enjoy being a brutal man. He had to have been an emotionally strong man, to send prisoners to meet their last breath, face to face. In the historical event of the “Holocaust”, Josef Mengele shares his experiences of providing life or
camp. He’s quite important in history, because of the countless deaths he authorized. Josef Mengele, “Angel of death,” greatly impacted history because of his participation in selection, his ruthless experiments and the killing of Jews. Josef Mengele’s choice in selection in Auschwitz, the concentration camp, didn’t go unnoticed Jews found it very scary to have such a calm man direct them to their deaths. Josef Mengele arrived in Auschwitz on May 24, 1943, when he was 32. There he spent 21 months and
known as someone who helped the people in need. Dr. Josef Mengele, who was a research scientist during the Holocaust, conducted many gruesome experiments on twins, kids, men, and women. Dr. Josef Mengele studied anthropology at the University of Munich in 1935, where he also earned his Ph.D. In January, 1937, Dr. Josef Mengele went to study at the Institute for Hereditary Biology and Racial Hygiene in Frankfurt. At the institute, Dr. Josef Mengele became the assistant of Dr. Otmar von Verschuer, who
Dr Josef Mengele was a German (SS) solider and a Nazi doctor at Auschwitz death camp during WWII. Dr Mengele was known as the ‘Angel of Death’ of ‘White Angel’ because of his cruel gruesome experiments he performed on prisoners. Dr Josef Mengele, with his role of Nazi doctor at a famous death camp, was cruel and cold-hearted because of his gruesome experiments on prisioners. Mengele was the eldest of three children and was born March 11, 1911 in Gunzburg, Germany. Dr Mengele performed medical experiments
Reading Lab 10/18/17 Josef Mengele Josef Mengele was a Doctor and a Official from Germany he was know as the angel of death. He was born in march 16th 1911. Mengele was the eldest of three brothers and he was always a good student. In January of 1937 was assistant of doctor Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer. He was a scientist who studied genetics which had a great interest in twins. Mengele then wrote a thesis about Cleft lip and cleft palate, qualified very well which made Josef get a doctorate in
Josef Mengele a German SS officer and physician during World War II, is infamous for performing malicious medical experiments on prisoners at Auschwitz concentration camp, in contemplation of creating the perfect Aryan race. Mengele is a prominent member of the doctors responsible for the selections of innocent people who were killed within the camp’s gas chambers. Mengele aided prodigiously in the attempt to fulfill the Nazi’s “Final Solution”; their plan to exterminate the Jewish race. By looking
On March 16th, 1911, Josef Mengele, the eldest of three sons, was born to Karl and Walburga Mengele in Gunzburg, Germany. In his hometown of Gunzburg, Mengele was considered to be “refined, intelligent, and popular” (“Josef Mengele, Angel of Death”). His family was considered to be upper middle class as the Mengele’s were the owners of a machine tools business. In 1935, Mengele earned a PhD in physical anthropology from the University of Munich. From there, he continues on to the Institute for Hereditary