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    the three wishes aren't exactly what you wished for? Well in the story the Monkey’s Paw that pattern seems to be happening a lot. In the short story, The Monkey's Paw we are first introduced to the White, the Mrs.White, Mr.White, and their son, Herbert White. Later in the story, we are introduced to Sergeant Major Morris who brought the mummy-like monkey’s paw to the Whites house. The theme of the Monkey's paw is to never interfere with fate. The theme is shown through many forms in the short story

    • 825 Words
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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    The Monkey's Paw

    • 415 Words
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    The story “The Monkey's Paw” written by William Wymark Jacobs, describes the White family, a family of three, who experience an uncompromising event revolving around fate. They learn a lesson in which fate rules people's lives and nobody should mess with fate. As illustrated, Mr.White, the father, is gifted a monkey's paw by the strange visitor Sergeant-Major Morris, which in fact grants three wishes to three men. Two men have already wished, Mr.White is then persuaded by Herbert, his son, to make

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    Decent Essays
  • Good Essays

    The Monkey's Paw

    • 1155 Words
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    palm of it, and only the pinky finger of the hand was up, curled slightly like a claw. I was sure it was just some toy used to scare people. The womans voice drove me out of my memories as she began speaking again. "It is a monkeys paw," disgusted I almost dropped the paw, but i didnt, "I got it when I was in England over 20

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    Good Essays
  • Decent Essays

    The Monkey's Paw

    • 1198 Words
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    The story of “The Monkey’s Paw,” (1902) by W. W. Jacobs begins on a cold, wet, blustery night. The family inside, however, is cheery. Father and son enjoy a lively game of chess, while mother sits knitting by the fireplace. Their lives are about to change, however, and change for the worse. The tragedy and sorrow that follow are not the result of chance but the result of their own choices. Using different symbols and themes, Jacobs tells a haunting story to show how unnecessary risk, greed, and tempting

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    The Monkey's Paw

    • 329 Words
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    In “The Monkey’s Paw” by W. W. Jacobs, an older couple and their son are visited by a strange man, later identified as Sergeant-Major Morris. He comes with an object with the power to grant wishes. The couple ends up making a wish and ruining both of their lives. This suggests that one thing that this story would teach people is that you should listen to the warnings of others. Before any wishes were made, they were warned that if they must wish, they should “wish for something sensible.” Disregarding

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    The Monkey's Paw

    • 578 Words
    • 3 Pages

    “The Monkey’s Paw” by W.W. Jacobs is about a suspicious man named Sergeant Major Morris who seems like a very suspicious person and comes to the Whites’ home with a magical Monkey's Paw that grants wishes for them. He also comes to deliver some news that may not be the best of news. The theme in “The Monkey’s Paw” by W.W. Jacobs is Be happy with what you have; don’t always strive for something that you aren’t capable of getting because it might not always be good! The following piece of evidence

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    The Monkey's Paw

    • 442 Words
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    Monkey’s Paw”. A well known short story about a old couple and their son. There is lots of mystery and tension in “The Monkey’s Paw”, mostly due to Jacobs writing style. The story takes place in three parts. Each more tense than the last. In the first part of the story everything is fine. It starts off with the son and father playing chess, the father losing horribly. It then really starts off with a old soldier coming to join them for dinner. When the father brings up the monkey's paw and the soldier

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    The Monkeys Paw

    • 478 Words
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    The Monkeys Paw is about the White family. A family, which consisted of Mr. White, Mrs. White, and their son Herbert. One night Mr. White’s friend Sergeant Major Morris went to the house. During the evening the Sergeant talked about his experiences in the British territory. Mr. White started talking about the Monkeys Paw, the Sergeant takes it put of his pocket and started explaining what it was and its powers. After he leaves Mr. White wishes fro 200 pounds to pay the mortgage of the

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    The Monkey's Paw

    • 385 Words
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    of “ The Monkey’s Paw” written by William W. Jacobs is to be satisfied with the one’s life and not interfere with fate. “‘He was a very holy man and he wanted to show that fate ruled people’s lives, and that to interfere with fate only caused deep sadness.’”(Jacobs 1) This example shows that fate should not be interfered with because otherwise bad things will come from it, like when someone makes a wish from the monkey’s paw. People who wish for something with the monkey’s paw always end up regretting

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    The Monkeys Paw

    • 522 Words
    • 3 Pages

    The monkeys paw is a suspenseful short story about fate, and greed combined to create disaster. After beginning to read this story I found that the son of two elderly parents, Mr. and Mrs. White, who had a son, by the name of Herbert, who died due to machinery failure at the farm he worked at. This was a very tragic, and unsettling event, but was no coincident. The night before that event had taken place, a friend, by the name of Sergeant-Major Morris, had come from far off lands, and had told

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    Decent Essays