Pullman Company

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    Emmett Slaughter was walking through the old Pullman Company building. It was cold, all he could hear was the screeching of the old metal that was about to collapse. The building was condemned but Emmet used to work there so he wanted to see it one last time, so he snuck inside to take one good last look. Upon looking through the building he started to remember the Pullman company strike that happened on May 11, 1894. That was the time he learned to fight for what he believes in without violence

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    Within the last few days, nearly 125,000 workers on 29 different railroads have walked off of the job as a refusal to handle any train with Pullman cars on it. Business owners have been reaching the peak of their irritation and have been employing replacement workers to try to end the protest. The courts have also become involved. With the recent passing of an injunction, federal troops were sent to the scene. Instead of helping the situation, it enraged the strikers. Protests have been beginning

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    corporations. They won seats on the boards of directors because they were stock holders and from there they directed companies in a way that avoided competition and made money. Morgan ended up gaining control of most of the nations major rail lines. Then he began to buy up steel companies and he put them together into one large corporation. By 1901, Morgan was the head of the United States Steel Company (which included Carnegie Steel) and this was the first business in the US to be worth more then $1 million

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    in the creation of steel for railroad tracks and structural steel for commercial buildings. For geographical ambiance, The Calumet region of Chicago is consisted of the following neighborhoods: Burnside, Calumet Heights, East Side, Hegewisch, and Pullman, South Chicago, and South Deering. In this

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    change, but that change was not always a good one. The period of rapid industrial growth during the 1800s and into the early 1900s was more harmful because pollution, poor working conditions and labor strikes (Homestead Strike, Haymarket Affair, Pullman Strike). The Industrial Revolution caused a lot of pollution from the factories and coal. The following quote,

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    Randolph’s Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters (BSCP) was fighting for union recognition and changing the pay system from tip based to living wage based in 1926. Underneath this, was a desire to separate blacks from the status of servant. The Pullman porters of the era were perceived by the BSCP and Randolph as either “slacker porters” who relied on tips, musicianship, and the paternalism of rich whites, or “manly men” who were willing to demand job dignity, fair pay, and representation. The

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    Philip Randolph

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    as its president; he sought to gain the union's official inclusion in the American Federation of Labor, the affiliates of which, at that time, frequently barred African Americans from membership. The BSCP met with resistance primarily from the Pullman Company, which was the largest employer of blacks at that time. But Randolph battled on, and in 1937, won membership in the AFL, making the BSCP the first African-American union in the United States. Randolph withdrew the union from the AFL the following

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    The Pullman Strike of 1894

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    The Pullman Strike of 1894 was the first national strike in American history and it came about during a period of unrest with labor unions and controversy regarding the role of government in business.5 The strike officially started when employees organized and went to their supervisors to ask for a lowered rent and were refused.5 The strike had many different causes. For example, workers wanted higher wages and fewer working hours, but the companies would not give it to them; and the workers wanted

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    George Pullman was not always believed to be a cruel boss. George Pullman started off believing that anyone could be successful if they worked hard enough. But as his business grew, he took this belief too far, furthering his own company by working his employees hard, treating his employees like slaves. There were many factors included in how the Pullman strike started. George Pullman and the company’s treatment of employees, how the town of Pullman, Illinois reacted to their treatment, other strikes

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    Dbq Robber Barons

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    From 1865 to 1900, a surge in industry and business began to come into effect. Railroads, oil, steel, and various inventions enabled the rise of these businesses. As time went on, the leaders of the businesses would become more eager to achieve wealth. Some historians have described these people as ‘robber barons’ or people who use extreme methods to control and maintain their wealth and power. Others would chastise that belief, declaring that it is an unjust conclusion to draw. Despite the oppositions

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