The Greatest View

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    'The hazards presented by volcanic and seismic events have the greatest impact on the world’s poorest people'.  To what extent do you agree with this view? Hazards are anything that could cause damage to humans or buildings. Many volcanic and seismic events happen that cause hazards to humans. Often the world’s poorest people are hit the worst, however wealthier countries can also be adversely affected. The Kobe earthquake in Japan 1995 struck at 5.45am. Many people were asleep in bed, causing

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    “The hazards presented by Tropical storms have the greatest impact on the world’s poorest people.” To what extent do you agree with this view? (40 marks) Tropical storms are defined as low pressure systems that form over tropical seas and can devastate areas of human settlements with hurricane force winds and floods. The severity of these impacts varies greatly depending on a countries development levels and is attributable to numerous factors such as: infrastructure, job structure, the provision

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  • Decent Essays

    Utilitarian View Managers with a utilitarian viewpoint on ethical behavior establish decisions that are contingent upon providing the greatest good to the greatest number of people. Under the utilitarian view, actions are ethically permissible when the right expected principles promote happiness for the greatest number of individuals, while actions that cause pain to the greatest number of individuals are not honorable. The view takes into consideration what is valuable, except, individuals are diverse

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  • Decent Essays

    (Driver,1). It is defined as an intuitive point of view which focus on the result of an ethical decision causing pleasure or pain. (CITE PROFESSOR). If an action results in the greatest amount of pleasure, for the individual or the society, then it was right. If it results in the greatest amount of pain then it wasn't wrong/bad. Pleasure is measured in “utils”. Utilitarianism however does not support self-indulgence. It follows an equalitarian view that everyones pleasure is deemed equal. There are

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  • Decent Essays

    the “greatest generation” so great? The fact that they killed nearly half their generation in war is what most view as the defining achievement of this generation. Not to say that they didn’t do great things but they should not be recognized as the greatest generation. Every generation will have differences but they also have similarities, the most common trait between the “greatest generation” and the “millennial generation” is hard work and motivation. The “greatest generation”

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  • Good Essays

    philosophical approach, utilitarianism generally focuses on the principle of “greatest happiness”. According to the greatest happiness principle, actions that promote overall happiness and pleasure are considered as right practices. Moreover, to Mill, actions which enhance happiness are morally right, on the other hand, actions that produce undesirable and unhappy outcomes are considered as morally wrong. From this point of view we can deduct that utilitarianism assign us moral duties and variety of ways

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  • Decent Essays

    Utilitarianism Essay

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    Utilitarianism is the greatest good of the greatest number. It takes the view that an action is right if it is likely to produce the best consequences compared to all the other possible actions. The best consequences are those which involve the maximization of what is good and the minimization of what is bad. The worst consequences are which involve the maximization of what is bad and the minimization of what is good. The basic premise is the idea that the greatest good comes

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    negative things come out of both sides and which ones outway the others. The views of the Kantian and the principle of universalizability and not ever lying are both good points that should be brought up and I will discuss both, and my view on them. Also the Utilitarian view on the happiness calculus and always choosing the act that will have the greatest overall happiness outcome is another great view that I will

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Kipling is overrated and is not the greatest English author. More specifically, Marie Corelli argues that Kipling wrote volumes of short stories and rhymed doggerel. She writes, “ And so, excellent Rudyard, beware! You are not "the greatest English author" by a long way. In weak moments I admit that the newspaper-gushers work me into a delirium-tremens of ecstasy about you.” In this passage, Marie Corelli is suggesting that Kipling is nowhere near the greatest English author like the newspaper is

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  • Decent Essays

    To be the greatest humanitarian holds much meaning, but most of all it means to create needed change in the most dire of situations when others will not. Without a doubt, Petrarch was the greatest humanitarian of all European history, because he had struggled to become the person he was, he is considered to be the first humanitarian, and he not only influenced many other greats but he also influenced the beginning of the Renaissance, although some can argue that he was not the greatest humanitarian

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    Decent Essays