Ulster Unionist Party

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    people have been killed there and in the years 1968-1994 over three thousand died. Northern Ireland is ruled by the British parliament in London where as the republic of Ireland has its own government and parliament in Dublin. Unionists are made up of Protestants wanting Northern Ireland to be a part of the UK. They think that British troops in Northern Ireland should stay and help fight

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    The Beliefs of the Republicans/Nationalists and the Loyalists/Unionists There are a number of differences between Nationalists and Unionists and their beliefs. The Nationalists are predominantly Catholic and they do not want Ireland to be part of Britain. They see the British as an occupying army and most believe that the British have no right to be in Ireland, they think it's unfair that the British came into Ireland in the 1600s and have stayed there. They feel angry about

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    entire life dedicated to researching and summarizing the problems and solutions in the North Ireland conflict. Moxon-Browne goes on to cover Whyte’s interpretations and understanding of the topic. Whyte states that the viewpoints of Nationalist, Unionist, Marxist, and Internal Conflict are the main ways to interpret the North Ireland conflict. Moxon-Browne agrees that these four are the predominant ways to view the conflict, however, he accentuates Whyte’s belief of many, varied solutions

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    to be more difficult to implement than others. A major area within the Good Friday Agreement is the setting up of an Assembly. Hard line Unionists such as the DUP refuse to accept the Assembly. They refuse to sit at a table with Sinn Féin in cross

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    throughout Ireland. Whilst the division between nationalists and unionist became rife, Home Rule unified many that were willing to fight for Ireland’s cause. In Ulster there was a sectarian rivalry between Protestants and Catholics. The secret ballot act of 1872 and the Reform act of 1884 reduced the political power of protestant and they felt threatened. From 1885 to 1886, Home Rule became a greater possibility for Ireland, unionists and Protestants became more restless and agitated. Divisions emerged

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    Irish Nationalists and Ulster Unionists The question of the division of Ireland between the predominantly Protestant North and the Catholic South is a long-standing, deep seated and highly complex issue which still continues to be controversial to this day. There have been many attempts to resolve the problems in order to restore peace to this small island, however none have been found. The Irish Nationalists and the Ulster Unionists both had powerful reasons for fighting

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    northern part of Ireland, Ulster. Those settlers were protestants, while most of the Irish were catholics. During the years, the tension between these two religious groups led to the division of Ireland. This happened in the start of the 1920s. Most of Ireland was now free from British rule, while Ulster stayed. This was because most of the people who lived there had British ancestors. The settlers who had moved to Ireland made out about two-thirds of the population of Ulster. Throughout time, this

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    Conflict in the Emerald Isle Essay

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    happened to be predominately Catholic, who felt that they were just that, citizens of Ireland, not subjects of England. They wanted the right to govern freely without British interference. There were, however, supporters of this act as well. These Unionists or Loyalists were made up largely of Protestants. They gladly welcomed the power of the British crown because they felt that they were truly British citizens not Irish citizens. While under British rule the Catholics were subjected to discriminating

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    Conflict in Northern Ireland For over three decades there has been conflict in Ireland. The disagreement between the Republicans/Nationalist and Loyalist/unionists sill continues to this day. The key issue remains should the North stay part of the United Kingdom with its own developed assembly or should it join the south as part of a united and independent Ireland? Ireland is a small country and has a population of 1.5 million. Yet despite this small number

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    French political leader Charles de Gaulle said that “nationalism is when hate for people other than your own comes first,” by this definition turning points in Irish Nationalism can be seen not as what changed as in regards love for Ireland, but what changed hatred for the English withinin Ireland. There are numerous significant turning points in Irish Nationalism; it could be argued that The Great Famine is the largest turning point in Irish Nationalism as it encouraged independence through means

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