
##ism In Annete-Huelshoff's 'Das Spiegelbild'?

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A poststructuralist analysis, after Jacques Derrida and Paul De Man, would attempt to negate the idea of concept within language. The separation of the content plane and the expression plane cannot be achieved, thus literature demystifies itself and is demystified from the start. Concept does not exist in the form of language; once concept has taken the form of language it is already the second thought, has already been re-parsed and re-processed, and literature in particular is subject to a continual basis of re-interpretation. Annete von Droste-Huelshoff’s poem “Das Spiegelbild” contains elements that can be interpreted through the lens of poststructuralism, including the presence iterability, translatability and untranslatability, and the demystification of literature. The poem was written in 1842, and von Droste-Huelshoff has been referred to as the bridge between Realism and Romanticism (source). The first concept of poststructuralism that can be addressed is Derrida’s iterability of signs. The title “Das Spiegelbild” implies the second-person that is referred to throughout the poem. However, the repeated addressing of the second person switches to a notion of God, rather than self-reflection, in the fourth stanza, referencing both Moses and God. Therefore, the reader can process how iterability engenders an aporia between the reflection of the lyrical I and God. There is also a repetition of the word “[die] Hut”, in stanza two “Bist nur entschluepft der Traeume

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