
2-Methylcyclohexene Synthesis Lab Report

Satisfactory Essays

The experiment was aimed to synthesize cyclohexene products from 2-methylcyclohexanol using phosphoric acid as a catalyst. The reaction utilized in this experiment is E1 elimination, in which the products were formed through the elimination of water from the starting material. Phosphoric acid (H3PO4) was used as a catalyst. The products were formed by pyrolysis, in which by applying heat the starting material gives off water as by-product to form cyclohexenes. The products were obtained through fractional distillation and further purified by washing with NaCl saturation and followed by addition of anhydrous MgSO4 to dry it. Further fractional distillation was performed with the addition of MgSO4 and the percent yield was calculated to be 74.8% with 12.6 g of the product obtained. The analysis was performed by several methods such as boiling …show more content…

The 2-methylcyclohexanol spectrum displayed peaks at 2950cm-1 and 3300cm-1, denoting the presence of C-H alkane functional group and O-H of alcohol functional group. However, the synthesized product spectrum showed peaks at 1650cm-1 and 3050cm-1. This indicated an absence of an O-H of alcohol group and a presence of C=C and C-H alkene functional groups. The absence of O-H alcohol functional group was logical since all of the possible products had alkanes and alkenes functional group but O-H alcohol functional group. The Br2 in CCl4 test was conducted to test for presence of an alkene group. The 2-methylcyclohexanol displayed a negative result however, the product and 1-decene resulted positive. The Jones Oxidation test was performed to test for presence of primary and secondary alcohol group. The product displayed a negative result but 1-decene and 2-methylcylohexanol showed a positive result. The results of boiling point determination, IR spectroscopy, and two chemical tests indicated that the 1-methylcyclohexene was successfully

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