
Borneol Lab Report

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Borneol; An Oxidation-Reduction Scheme Nicolas Gibson Lab Time: Tuesday 11:30 am Abstract: In this experiment, the main objective was to synthesize a ketone from borneol via an oxidation reaction and secondly, to produce a secondary alcohol from camphor via a reduction reaction. Therefore, the hypothesis of this lab is that camphor will be produced in the oxidation reaction and isoborneol will be the product of the reduction reaction because of steric hindrance. For the oxidation step, a reflux will be done and then a microscale reflux for the reduction step. The products will be confirmed using Infrared spectroscopy, the chromic acid test, 2,4-DNP test and 13C NMR spectroscopy. The results of this …show more content…

There are four main regions of IR absorptions: region 4000 – 3000 cm-1 corresponds to N-H, C-H and O-H stretching, region 2250- 2100 cm-1 is triple-bond stretching , region 2000- 1500 cm-1 is double bonds and the region below 1500 cm-1 is the fingerprint region where a variety of single bonds are absorbed.3 The chromic acid test is a test for oxidizability and gives a positive result for primary and secondary alcohols as well as aldehydes2. A positive result in the chromic acid test is indicated by a color change and the formation of a precipitate. Tertiary alcohols give negative results for the chromic acid test since there must be a hydrogen present on the alcoholic carbon for oxidation to occur. The 2,4 DNP test, tests for a carbonyl and is therefore a dependable test for aldehydes and ketones. Finally, 13C NMR spectroscopy is a test to determine the structure of a compound. 13C NMR detects the 13C isotope of carbon. Each carbon has a different chemical shift. A carbon’s chemical shift is affected by the electronegativity of nearby atoms. Carbons that are bonded to highly electronegative atoms resonant downfield because the electronegative atom pulls electrons away from the nearby carbons and cause those carbons to resonant downfield1 (John McMurry, 2008). A general trend is that sp3-hybridized carbons absorb from 0 to 90 ppm, sp2-hybridized carbons resonant between 110

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