
33 Analyse The Potential Tension Between

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3.3 Analyse the potential tension between maintaining confidentiality with the need to disclose information a) where abuse of a child or young person is suspected b) when it is suspected that a crime has been/may be committed.
All children deserve the opportunity to achieve their full potential. In 2003, the Government published the Every Child Matters Green Paper alongside the formal response to the report into the death of Victoria Climbié. The Green Paper set out five outcomes that are key to children and young people’s wellbeing:
Be healthy.
Stay safe.
Enjoy and achieve.
Make a positive contribution.-++-
Achieve economic wellbeing.
The Children Act 2004 subsequently became law and set out these outcomes in statute, as well as the …show more content…

Each agency should ensure that when a child moves outside its area the child’s records are transferred promptly to the relevant agency in the new locality. Cases where enquiries do not substantiate the original concerns should be retained in accordance with the agency’s record retention policy. This policy should ensure that records are stored safely and can be retrieved promptly and efficiently. Research and experience have shown repeatedly that safeguarding

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