
7 Steps to Selecting a Continuing Education Class Essay

Decent Essays

Executive Summary: It is never too late to learn, educate yourself and get a fancy new diploma. Some people need to advance their knowledge to improve and move forward at their workplaces, others need it as a fresh new start. Whatever may be the reason – we will give you some tips on what to look for when choosing your classes.
Points of Interest:
• Location, location, location
• Flexibility and availability
• Cost and reward?
There is a certain way the adults connect education and future employment. If something is not applicable to the job and does not represent practical knowledge, people tend to be less interested. However, once the connection is made, they tend to go deeper in the desired field and explore all of the possibilities. On …show more content…

3. Identify the prerequisites
By learning what you need to know before enrolling you will be able to avoid any frustrations caused by incapability of keeping up with the rest. Sometimes these may be simple things, and you can compensate by taking a basic class before enrolling for the advanced one. The prerequisites are normally listed along with the class description and will indicate what other classes should be taken first. Further it may list skills you should already have before enrolling.
4. Determine the cost of everything
Although most classes require a simple textbook, they are getting more expensive and not all students can afford them. Depending on the subject matter of your class, your books can cost upwards of $100 each, particularly in technology, accounting and nursing. Further, depending on the type of your class, you may need additional equipment, like a PC or other electrical equipment. It is inevitable that you will spend additional money on these accessories, so you need to take them in account when determining your total schooling cost.
5. Determine the instructors availability
Even though most instructors will list their contact details on their first class, you can find out about their response time by contacting them prior to enlisting. Moreover, you should learn about their availability once the classes start – will you be able to contact them easily, can they answer your questions and such.
6. Review the course description
This is the most

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