
8 Step Change Model

Decent Essays

Following my initial thirty-day evaluation of the 4th Armored Brigade Combat Team (ABCT), it is clear that multiple issues plague the unit due to inadequate training and the fact that leaders have failed to develop and foster a culture of commitment to excellence. Overall, I believe the 4th ABCT, in its current state, is in dire of need of the following training: Sexual harassment/ Assault and Prevention, substance abuse, staff operations, and professional development. Moreover, each identified deficiency further substantiated that Soldiers consistently operated in an environment inundated with ineffective communication, poor morale, subpar guidance, and confidence that was capitulated, by leaders, to the previous command team. As I reflect on the current environment within the command, it is essential that I provide a vision, of where I see the 4th ABCT in the future. Based on the importance of ensuring immediate implementation of all required training identified, I have chosen to use Kotter’s 8 Step Change Model as a method to implement my vision.
According to Kotter’s Step one, establishing a sense of urgency is essential. As Commander of the 4th ABCT, I have the ability to utilize a myriad of methods …show more content…

In order to empower broad-based action and generate short-term wins I will take several actions. First, I will individually recognize Sodiers that volunteer in supporting the brigade’s professional development programs. Secondly, I will hand out 3-day weekend passes out to all battalion units that sustain a 100% DUI free rate for 30 days. In order to generate short term wins, I will establish a battalion wide shark-tank program that requires battalions to team up and present innovative ideas that support our wartime mission training methods. This program will serve as a medium for Soldiers and leaders to improve teamwork and showcase best

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