
A Boy With Cerebral Palsy

Decent Essays

The conversation I had with the father of a teenage boy with cerebral palsy who lived in the isolated village of Quicha Chico, was one of the moments that stood out to me most during my International Health Fellowship in Peru last summer. I was amazed by how the pair navigated the steep paths and uneven terrain in their village, with the dad carrying his son sitting on his shoulders, as had done since the boy was a toddler. Now, as an older man, it was amazing to see the lengths he went to carrying his son from their farm outside the village, for him to have a health screening by our team. Not only did it show me the desire for health care people have but it also showcased the other aspects of health and wellbeing that are so much broader than diagnoses and treatments. This young man in an isolated village in the Andes had never had a wheelchair and, even if he did, the terrain in and around his home would have made it impossible for him to use it. Additionally, it was discouraging to imagine what will happen to him once his father died, a fear his father shared with me. This young man could have accurate diagnosis and even all the available tools to live with his condition but isolation and lack of support eclipsed the effects his diagnosis and even medication or other clinical treatment could have had. When my medical ethics professor discussed whether or not health care is “special,” my initial reaction was of course but I wasn’t truly aware of what that meant. In Peru,

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