Periodization in Bodybuilding
You may ask why the use of periodization in training programs? , well the goal of periodization is to help maximize what you gain of your training while reducing the risk of getting injured in the long term. The way this is done is with an intelligently designed training year program that contains smaller blocks of time that each has its specific goal and priority. This kind of overall schedule includes many aspects of an athlete’s training program and it may include specific training such as; strength training, conditioning, plyometric, and also any specific sport activities. However in this essay I will specify the use of periodization in bodybuilding which is a sport that has become very popular in recent times.
What is Periodization?
In simple terms, Periodization is the planning and organization of training. When periodization is used in sport, it is usually used based on achieving specific goals such as gaining maximal physical capabilities (strength, power, speed, etc...) for a given period of competition. For example in bodybuilding, the training may be planned around a specific competition.
In bodybuilding periodization is not an unusual thing, in fact most bodybuilders “periodize” their training anyway and this is to reach their specific goal whether it is to reduce body fat or bring up a lagging body part. Generally speaking, if you have an aim to reach a goal by a given time, then in actual fact you are using periodization.
This is
An essential part of living a healthy life and managing a healthy body is participating in routine weight training. Many times throughout our lives we find ourselves eating unhealthy and forgetting that being active daily is essential to our health. As individuals go through their lives, they may consider going on a diet but in doing so, they are under the impression that eating healthy is the only essential aspect of staying healthy. This is incorrect due to the fact that routine weight training is what tones up the body, keeps the body in shape, and increases physical fitness overall. Along with these things, routine
In order to become an athletic trainer, a person must be able to fulfill all of the educational and training requirements from high school, university/college, and certified training. While in high school, students need to be able to focus on communication skills in order to speak with clients as well as science courses that they will apply to their future career. The following courses that a student must complete before reaching college or university in high school are biology, human anatomy and physiology, and chemistry. Taking English courses like Speech and Debate will help further a person's communication skills. After graduating with a high school diploma, the student will go on to university to expand their knowledge on the basic and
Athletic Trainer - Certified The minimum requirement for most athletic trainers is a bachelor’s degree, but many of them only have a graduate degree. The college class include science and health-related subjects, such as nutrition, kinesiology, biomechanics, and exercise physiology. You also have to pass the Board of Certification exam to be able to be a certified athletic trainer. Experience requirements include time in a clinic, internships, and those may be with a college or with a local professional sports team.
The career that I have chosen to pursue is athletic training. What is an athletic trainer? An athletic trainer explained in the simplest way is a physical therapist for athletes only. Athletic trainers are the first aid responders when someone on the filed gets injured. They also develop rehabilitation programs for athletes who are injured.
athletes in an effort to prevent injuries. They work in amateur and professional sports. Once injuries occur, the athletic trainer is required to evaluate the problem and get the athlete the proper medical treatment. He or she also makes sure that athletes are physically ready and able to play after an injury. Athletic trainers set up physical conditioning programs for athletes, work with equipment managers to make sure that playing and training areas are in working order, and also work with physicians in developing and implementing a rehabilitation program for injured players. Athletic trainers work in offices, treatment
After reading the Macro Periodization paper, it surprises me how much planning and precision go into every aspect of training a athlete at Concordia. Reading the goals of the periodization really stood out to me, because these goals are what is going to lay out the overall theme of an athlete's training routine. Whether it's decreasing the risk of injury, or improving the many components that improve an athlete’s performance the goals set for the training of Concordia athletes is amazingly well organized and executed. What I took from the Program Design Section of the paper, is that Concordia macro periodization is not focused on training our athletes like bodybuilders, but instead we design out programs in order to improve the performance of Concordia’s athletes.
I have chosen to study athletic training because it allows me to still participate and be involved in sports as well as be able to help athletes recover from injuries while gaining valuable clinical experience for physical therapy. Growing up I have always had a love for sports but I have not been graced with the abilities to become a professional athlete. With my love for sports as a youth I watched a lot on television with my father and I would see athletes get injured and medical personnel rush out to their aid. When I found out they were athletic trainers and physical therapists, I knew that is what I wanted to do when I grew up. All throughout high school I was involved in sports and unfortunately had an injury or two. Although our school did not have an athletic trainer, I went to many different specialists and
Many people are more active today than they were many years ago. Injury prevention and diagnosis plays a big role in today’s society. Preventing an injury is important for many athletes all over the world, and for people that are physically active. Preventing injuries can benefit an athlete in the long run. Athletic trainers help athletes and physically active people stay healthy for what they do on a daily basis.
“The Tell-Tale Heart” and “The Black Cat” is similarly dark romanticism because both stories showed emotion taking over the character making them see things and making them go crazy. The narrator had a lot of negative emotion towards his victims. This emotion led to the narrator hearing/seeing things. After the In “The Black Cat” and “The Tell-Tale Heart”, the narrators were taken over from negative emotion, showing Dark Romantic traits.
My interest in Athletic Training was kindled while listening Dr. Vince Diller in his Introduction to Athletic Training class. While listening to his experience as an AT and how challenging an AT’s job can be I was not only impressed with Athletic Training profession but also saw it as exciting, challenging, and meaningful career. By the end of his Introduction to Athletic Training fall course I switched my major from Exercise Science to Athletic Training. A primary reason for pursuing Athletic Training is close interaction with athletes. To be an athlete’s friend, and mentor over an extended time will impact their life.
Sports today are more common than before in previous years. Having a job in the athletic field requires more to it than just understanding the basics of sports. People are more active which helps play a big role in the athletic field because it requires everyone to be more aware of injuries, and learn how to prevent, treat, and diagnose an injury. Athletic trainers do not only help athletes but people who are physically athletic learn how to prevent injuries and stay healthy and fit. Not every day does one encounter the difficulties that an athletic trainer does dealing with small injuries to injuries that keep athletes out of the sports they love for months even years, to even trying to help athletes that do not want to listen .Training
Choosing a vocation can be a daunting task. With the world ever-evolving, one may come across a new attractive career every year. In order to ensure optimal job satisfaction, it is vital to educate oneself about every alluring prospect prior to committing. Simple factors like the time commitment and salary can mean the difference between a content existence and a miserable one.
Imagine being in the front of the line standing next to your brother and he is exited and pumped and he can’t wait to get on one of the scariest rides in the Midwest. Your feeling sick and scared inside and trying you’re best not to show it. You keep saying “Don’t get on this ride.” You said ten times but you end up sitting in a cart right next to your bigger brother Hector. Right before you get buckled in your aunt Marci tells you to cover your eyes all the way through. I decided to do what I was told. The ride started move and I opened my eyes and it was going slow. I told myself, “this isn’t so bad.” Next we went up really high and then suddenly we went down so fast my eyes started to cry. I covered my crying eyes while screaming. We reached
As mentioned above periodization is not just for the professional athlete but everyone who exercises due to the many positive aspects of such a
My first few weeks as a teacher in the United States were marked with struggles in communicating to students and members of faculty and staff of our school as we are in a culturally diverse institution. Most of my students, who are native speakers of the English language, are from Latin America, and my colleagues are from India, Ireland, Mexico, United States and the Philippines. At any time during my instruction, I encountered difficulty in being understood due to cross- cultural differences that show up while speaking the language despite my level of proficiency in the English language.