
A Case Study Of A 67 Year Old Male Patient

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The following is a case study of a 67-year-old male patient who has been in good health most of his life and is not a smoker and was recently having symptoms of fatigue, dizziness, shortness of breath, difficulty sleeping, and frequent headaches. In the past years, he has experienced heartburn, nausea, and indigestion with certain foods, in which he was eventually diagnosed with chronic atrophic gastritis. In addition to his symptoms, his doctor noticed a mild tachycardia with his recent visit.
Harold’s doctor ordered blood tests including a complete blood count and a microscopic examination of a peripheral blood smear. Results showed that his red blood cell (RBC) count was 2.6, which was low based on the reference range of 4.7-6.1 million/µl. His hemoglobin (a protein in RBC that binds oxygen) and hematocrit (the amount of space red blood cells use in a whole blood) counts were also lower than normal range; hemoglobin was 10.6 with a reference range of 13 – 18 g/dl and hematocrit was 31.6 with a reference range of 42 – 52 %. Furthermore, Harold’s white blood cells count including neutrophils and basophils were measured revealing an elevation in all three: white blood cells were 12.5 with a reference range of 4.8 – 10.8/µl (x1000), neutrophils were at 8.5 out of 1.1 – 8.3/µl (x1000), and basophils were 1100 with a reference range of 0 - 200/µl. Lastly, his platelets were measured revealing normal values, which was 232 out of 150 – 400/µl.
Harold’s RBC, hematocrit, and

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